Consumable items are some of the most underrated features of Elden Ring (and perhaps all FromSoftware games). Players commonly overlook these items since the buffs they grant have short durations and aren’t convenient to use in the middle of combat. But if you put forth the extra effort to craft these items, the game can become much less daunting than it would be otherwise.
Shadow of the Erdtree introduces the strongest damage resistance consumables in the game. Seven volumes of Forager Brood Cookbooks teach the recipes of the new line of defensive consumables along with two utility items. If you want to increase your survivability in Elden Ring (who doesn’t?), this guide will go over how to get each of the Forager Brood Cookbooks and the recipes they unlock.
How to get all seven Forager Brood Cookbooks in Elden Ring
Before you get started, it’s worth pointing out that you can become locked out of obtaining the Forager Brood Cookbooks if Moore dies at any point during his questline. So if Moore is already dead in your save, you’ll be unable to get any of the Cookbooks. You should also ensure not to attack any non-hostile pests encountered throughout the Realm of Shadow, as these entities give you the Cookbooks.

Forager Brood Cookbook (1)
How to obtain: West-northwest of the Ruined Forge of Starfall Past is a pest that can be interacted with, and that will give you the cookbook.

Unlocks the recipe for Spellproof Pickled Liver (Magic Damage negation)
- 3x Rada Fruit
- 1x Beast Liver
- 1x Scorpion Liver
- 1x Glintslab Firefly
Forager Brood Cookbook (2)
How to obtain: Southeast of the Cliffroad Terminus Site of Grace, there will be a non-hostile Servant of Rot who will give you the cookbook.

Unlocks the recipe for Fireproof Pickled Liver (Fire Damage negation)
- 3x Rada Fruit
- 1x Beast Liver
- 1x Scorpion Liver
- 1x Black Pyrefly
Forager Brood Cookbook (3)
How to obtain: Near the Cerulean Coast Site of Grace is a forest of lightning rams and a Furnace Golem roaming the Ellac River. In the northeast corner of the forest, there is a pest that will hand you the cookbook if you interact with it.

Unlocks the recipe for Lightningproof Pickled Liver (Lightning Damage negation)
- 3x Rada Fruit
- 1x Beast Liver
- 1x Scorpion Liver
- 1x Yellow Fulgurbloom
Forager Brood Cookbook (4)
How to obtain: Interact with a pest north of the Church of the Crusade. You must use a Warming Stone or Sunwarmth Stone to warm it up and then reload the area via teleporting or logging out. Upon your return, you can interact with it and receive the cookbook.

Unlocks the recipe for Holyproof Pickled Liver (Holy Damage negation)
- 5x Golden Rowa
- 1x Beast Liver
- 3x Golden Sunflower
Forager Brood Cookbook (5)
How to obtain: North of the Moorth Ruins, there’s a pest that can be interacted with along the right side of the cliff. Beware of the Deathbirds throughout the swamp, as some can aggro and attack you while interacting.

Unlocks the recipe for Opaline Pickled Liver (Non-Physical Damage negation)
- 3x Rada Fruit
- 1x Beast Liver
- 1x Scorpion Liver
- 1x Pealescent Scale
Forager Brood Cookbook (6)
How to obtain: From the Church District Highroad Site of Grace, head West up the cliff above the tunnel and follow the outer wall of the Shadow Keep. You’ll find a pest that will give you the cookbook after interacting with it.

Unlocks the recipe for Well-Pickled Turtle Neck (Increased stamina recovery speed)
- 3x Rada Fruit
- 1x Turtle Neck Meat
- 1x Scorpion Liver
- 1x Dewgem
Forager Brood Cookbook (7)
How to obtain: After helping the pest and obtaining the Forager Brood Cookbook (4), you can speak with Moore at the Main Gate Cross Site of Grace, and he will give you the Forager Brood Cookbook (7).

Unlocks the recipe for Spirit Raisin (Pushes back enemies when sprinting with Torrent) and Charming Branch (Charms nearby enemies)
- Spirit Raisin
- 1x Rada Fruit
- Charming Branch
- 1x Dewgem
- 1x Empyrean Blood-Burgeon
- 1x Beast Horn
Published: Jul 14, 2024 2:25 PM UTC