Now that Bungie’s obsession with sunsetting key bits of Destiny 2 content has subsided a bit, almost everything is on the table, especially the return of old favorite gear from seasons that had come and gone. The Disparity pulse rifle from Season of the Seraph, for one, is a delightful example of this being the case, as it’s still entirely possible for you to snag one. In fact, we’ll do you one better: you can go so far as to craft a Disparity, with a bit of luck and some foresight. As with most things in Destiny, though, the process isn’t as straightforward as many would hope.
Some context first, though: Disparity is a greeble’d up Häkke pulse rifle from the Season of the Seraph. For the longest time, Bungie had everything set up so that, if you weren’t around for the year that a given season was active, there wasn’t a viable way for you to earn its unique loot. Things have changed a bit since, thankfully, and there is now an official, non-janky way for you to snag this delightful quad-burst bullpup.

How to get Disparity in 2023?
Whereas getting the twin-firing Warden’s Law hand cannon is tricky business in its own right, it’s nothing compared to getting Disparity in the year of Lightfall. Notably, you’re stuck waiting for either Xûr or Banshee-44 to sell one! Indeed, if you’re hunting for Disparity at this time, your only real option will be to keep a close eye on both of these vendors’ respective loot pools as they rotate week-in and week-out and to keep your fingers crossed.
The odds are good that Disparity will eventually roll into one of these two shops, allowing you to snag it, but we’ve got an additional recommendation for you as well: buy five copies of Disparity once it shows up, if you’re a fan of the weapon. Doing so will allow you to invest five Deepsight Harmonizers into each copy of Disparity, as you earn them. Doing so would convert each Disparity into a red border weapon, and completing five of those will allow you to unlock Disparity as a permanently craftable pulse rifle.
Naturally, if you were lucky enough to farm Disparity during the Season of the Seraph, you’ve got nothing to worry about! Once you’ve got your very own Disparity pulse rifle, you’re going to want to know what perks to go for, and that’s the next section of this article.
Disparity pulse rifle god roll for PvP
Being a quad-firing pulse rifle, it should come as no surprise that Disparity is a phenomenal choice for PvP in Destiny 2. For optimum performance, we recommend looking for the following perks:
- Corkscrew Rifling
- Tactical Mag
- Outlaw
- Kill Clip (or Headseeker)
This setup turns your Disparity into a powerful and predictable workhorse of a weapon, perfect for medium-range engagements.
Disparity pulse rifle god roll for PvE
Pulse rifles aren’t necessarily ideal in PvE, but they can pull their own weight for sure, even in Grandmaster-tier content. To build your Disparity into a mob-killing machine, choose the following perks:
- Arrowhead Brake
- Tactical Mag
- Rapid Hit
- Frenzy (or One For All)
As an aside, some might wish to focus on lower-end content, and since Disparity is a Stasis weapon, you can slot Headstone into it, which is loads of fun.
Published: Oct 5, 2023 08:08 am