How to get Ancient Arrows in Tears of the Kingdom
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How to get Ancient Arrows in Tears of the Kingdom (TotK)

Make some of the best arrows in the game

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Ancient Arrows were some of the best arrows you could use in Breath of the Wild. Oddly enough, they arenā€™t quite as easy to acquire or use in Tears of the Kingdom, requiring you to go through some extra steps to obtain them. But once you do, youā€™ll find that they are immensely powerful and capable of stopping most foes immediately in their tracks.

How to get Ancient Arrows in Tears of the Kingdom

How to get Ancient Arrows in Tears of the Kingdom
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One of the key changes you might have noticed in Tears of the Kingdom is the lack of different arrow types for you to purchase and find in the wild. Instead, the game focuses on your new Fuse ability, which allows Link to fuse most random objects and materials to his weapons, shields, and even arrows.

Because of this, there are no traditional, premade Ancient Arrows in the game for you to find. Instead, players have to manually create Ancient Arrows themselves. To do this, you have to find an Ancient Blade and then attach it to your arrow.

Once youā€™ve found an Ancient Blade in Tears of the Kingdom, what you want to do is pull out your bow by pressing the ZR button. You then want to hold the up button of the D-Pad to then pull up the materials menu. Here, you can see all of the various items you can fuse to your arrows.

Scroll through until you find the Ancient Blade and then let go of the button on it to immediately fuse it to your current arrow. Unfortunately, youā€™ll have to do this every single time you wish to use an Ancient Arrow.

Where to find Ancient Blades

The hardest part about using an Ancient Arrow in Tears of the Kingdom is locating enough Ancient Blades to do this. Ancient Blades are some of the rarest old Construct parts you can find in the game, and there is no easy way to guarantee youā€™ll find one in the world.

That said, there are a couple of ways to find Ancient Blades. The first is to defeat the larger Construct bosses in the game, who might drop one of these for you. There are also some chests in the world that randomly offer Ancient Blades.

There is a guaranteed way to acquiring an Ancient Blade, but it is a highly spoilery method. Turn away now if you have not beaten the main story in Tears of the Kingdom or else some massive late-game spoilers are ahead for you.

If you have already beaten the Spirit Temple in this game and unlocked the fifth and final Sage power, you can visit one of the Forge Constructs at the temple and trade 50 Zonaite pieces for an Ancient Blade. You can do this as many times as you want, so long as you have the Zonaite for it.

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Image of Cody Perez
Cody Perez
Contributing Writer - Cody has been a huge fan of Destructoid for more than a decade as well as a freelance writer for various publications. Now working for Destructoid, he has the chance to share his passion for Final Fantasy XIV, Pokemon, Call of Duty, and many more games.