Have you gotten killed by people with akimbo shotguns over and over in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 recently? Well, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. Unlocking the overpowered dual shotguns is easy but might be a little surprising. Because they aren’t actually shotguns at all, they’re a marksman rifle, from Modern Warfare 2.
What are the MW3 akimbo shotguns?

If you’re anything like me, you’ve had flashbacks to the original Modern Warfare 2 dual Model 1887s while playing MW3 recently. People are wielding two shotguns that can kill from seemingly any distance in an instant. They’re frustrating to play against and insanely easy to use. However, they’re actually the Lockwood MK2 marksman rifle from Modern Warfare 2 (2022).
After unlocking the akimbo shotguns, don’t go looking through all your shotguns to find the right weapon. They’ll be located under marksman rifles, and way to the right as they’re actually from the previous Call of Duty title.
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How to unlock akimbo shotguns

To get the akimbo shotguns in MW3, just complete five of the eight weekly challenges for week 5. Doing so unlocks a conversion kit for the Lockwood MK2 marksman rifle called the JAK Wardens, changing it to a shotgun-like weapon and giving you an akimbo attachment. As a result, you’ve got two high-powered and long-range rifles firing at once, and killing like a shotgun up close.
These will likely be nerfed into the ground, then nerfed again when it’s not enough. Until then, you might as well take advantage of them. Especially in the small map playlist, as Shipment has become a nightmare for anyone not using these things.
Published: May 9, 2024 5:55 PM UTC