The new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Zombies mode is a mixture of Warzone and Zombies, though it is still a PvE mode. However, you will spawn on the map with up to eight other groups and a total of 24 other players. In order to successfully complete a mission and leave the map, you will need to know how to exfil in MW3 Zombies. Here is how to know where and how to do so!

Where do you go to exfil?
As the new MW3 Zombies mode takes place in a Warzone-style map, you need to look at your map for an icon with a blue man exiting a gray door. This is the icon that indicates a current exfil location. It seems like each map will randomly spawn several of these, but not enough for all players. So you will have to balance between knowing when to continue looting and killing, and when to extract.
Once you get to the extraction point, you will see an area with green smoke. This is the exfil location, so you are at the right place. Hit the interact key or button (‘F’ by default) and it will start the process of calling down a chopper to exil.
Zombies will begin spawning nearby and rushing your location, and you will have to hold out until the helicopter touches down. Once it does you will have 25 seconds to get into the chopper before it takes off without you.
There are two interesting points of note, however. First off, zombies can also get on the helicopter. Once you and your other squad members are on the chopper, it will start a five-second countdown before taking off. As long as you are still alive with the timer hits 0, even if zombies are onboard, you will properly extract.
Another interesting point is that you can get on someone else’s chopper, and they on yours. There is no penalty or anything for letting this happen, but is always funny when you go to extract and another player comes running onto the helicopter last second.
No nearby exfil icons
When another player or team exfils, the icon will temporarily disappear on the map for about a minute. This is essentially how long it takes for the timer to reset so that someone else can call in an exfil chopper at the same location.
If you see an icon disappear, you probably still have time to make it there before the chopper actually leaves. If not, just wait about a minute and it will reset, allowing you to now call in the escape chopper and properly exfil.
Now that you know how to exfil in MW3 Zombies, you should be able to complete some of the Tier 1 missions and progress your story in Act 1.
Published: Nov 10, 2023 6:01 AM UTC