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How to drop items and move furniture in Schedule 1

Give that stupid baseball bat what it deserves.

Schedule 1 is the early access sensation du-jour, and like many other recently released games of its kind, it needs a bit of love before it can shine on its own. To put it a little less nicely, sometimes the game forgets to tell you how to play it. How do I drop this useless baseball bat? Also, what does the baseball bat do?

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But don’t worry! We’re about to answer one of those questions for you, as well as explaining the related problem of how to move furniture. I still haven’t figured out the baseball bat, though.

How to drop items in Schedule 1

the inventory screen of Schedule 1, showing the game's map and a shirt about to be dropped in the Discard slot in the bottom right.
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Letting go of the useless items clogging your inventory in Schedule 1 is easy, but for some reason the game has made it as unintuitive as possible. Ok, maybe I’m exaggerating, but I’m still mad about how long it took me to figure it out. I’m also mad how you can’t drop items out of your inventory in Schedule 1, only destroy them forever. That’s not a problem, necessarily. It only becomes one when you test the cursed Discard button with your shirt.

First of all, you’re going to want to open your inventory. To do so, open your smartphone with the tab key and go into the Inventory app. You can also use press the “I” key to go directly into the inventory. From there, look at the bottom right of the screen. Separate from the rest of the inventory, you’ll see a semi-transparent red button labeled “Discard.” From there, it’s just drag and drop. You can even right-click to select how much stuff you want to discard.

After a quick timer has run out, during which you can change your mind and save your beloved trash, the items inserted into the Discard slot will disappear from the game. The same button is available during every interaction in which your inventory is opened, including those with furniture and NPCs.

How to move furniture in Schedule 1

Removing furniture in Schedule 1. A small circle in the center of the screen indicates that the growing tent shown is about to be removed.
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Unlike using the Discard button, Schedule 1 explicitly teaches you how to move furniture. But this only happens around two hours in, when you move to a larger location. If you happened to place a growth tent or a packaging station in an awkward position, how are you supposed to reposition them?

It’s actually very simple. To move furniture around, you have to remove everything they contain first. This goes for workstations as well as storage racks. Once they’re empty, make sure you have one empty inventory slot yourself for every piece of furniture you need to move. Then, look at the furniture and press the right mouse button for a couple of seconds. The furniture will disappear from the world and appear in your inventory.

Keep in mind that this only works on stuff you own. It won’t work on the TV in your first room, for example, because you don’t own that piece of furniture. It will, however, always work on your growing tents, since no one is going to buy those for you. Some parts of the environment, like the sinks that you use to refill water cans, will never move, no matter how convincing you are when you explain to them that they’re your property.

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