BitLife’s Winter Holiday challenge is just in time for festive, happy-go-lucky seasonal celebrations. While your character will be stressed initially, she’ll eventually start a new life elsewhere and marry her true love. Well, at least that’s what one can hope for.
BitLife Winter Holiday challenge guide
BitLife’s Winter Holiday challenge has five tasks to complete:
- Be born a female in Los Angeles
- Break up with a cheating boyfriend
- Have a stress level of 70+
- Emigrate to the United Kingdom
- Marry a man with two children
Although you won’t need any special career packs or expansions for this challenge, you’ll need some luck finding a partner that cheats on your character. Outside of this, you’ll mostly need patience with closing and reopening menus until you get the options you need.
Be born a female in Los Angeles
The first and easiest part of the Winter Holiday challenge requires you to create a female character born in Los Angeles. To do this, pick the United States as your starting country and Los Angeles as the place. Since LA is already a city, you’ll find it in your menu without too many issues.

From here, age up your character until she’s old enough to start dating and working full-time. You’ll also want to avoid partaking in crime, as going to jail will make the third task of this challenge slightly harder to complete. More on that later, though.
Break up with a cheating boyfriend
Your next task is for your character to find a boyfriend who cheats on her. This is primarily luck-dependent, although I find that those with higher craziness stats tend to have slightly higher odds of cheating. Regardless, you have two options: stick with one boyfriend and hope for the best, or date someone for a few years and dump them if they don’t cheat.
No matter your strategy, this will mostly depend on luck. There’s a chance your character’s boyfriends will never cheat, even if you pursue multiple people throughout her life. If you get really unlucky, you may even have to create a second character and try again. Once you find someone who cheats on your character, break up with them through the relationships tab to complete the next objective.
Have a stress level of 70
Increasing your stress in BitLife requires having a busy character who works a lot of hours at their job. You can do this by raising your work hours at a full-time job or taking on a part-time job until your stress levels rise.

You’ll know if your stress levels are high by looking at the occupation menu and checking the stress bar. You’ll be stressed enough to finish this task as long as it’s orange.
Be careful, though, as your character can develop high blood pressure and die if they’re too stressed. I’d recommend waiting until your other four objectives are done before tackling this one.
Emigrate to the United Kingdom
Once you’re ready to leave the US and move to the UK, head into Activities and Emigrate before emigrating to the United Kingdom. If you don’t see it right away, close and reopen the Emigrate menu until you see the United Kingdom in the list. It might takes a few tries, but it’ll appear eventually.
Emigrating to another country costs a few thousand dollars, so make sure you have some spare funds before initiating the request. For the most part, if you live a fairly normal life without causing much trouble, you shouldn’t have a problem emigrating to the UK. If they deny your request, you can move there illegally and deal with the consequences later or wait a couple of in-game years and try again.
Marry a man with two children
Your last task of the Winter Holiday challenge is to marry a man with two children. This is easier to finish if your character is slightly older, but you can also use the Dating App in the Love menu to go for older men. Aside from this, you’ll just have to ask a few men on dates until you find one with two children. You’ll find this list on their dating profile page.

Once you emigrate to the UK and marry a man with two children, you’ll complete BitLife’s Winter Holiday challenge and get the opportunity to claim a mystery prize.
Published: Dec 7, 2024 10:36 PM UTC