Arguably, the most challenging Ryujin Industries quest in Starfield is Sabotage, primarily due to the game suggesting you only use stealth. You can go in blasting, but if you’re looking to complete Sabotage quietly, read on for the quest guide and rewards.
I’m more than happy to admit that stealth in Starfield is a bit of a crapshoot. What makes Sabotage such a terror is mostly due to inconsistent NPC behavior in regards to stealth. Sometimes, you can sneak within feet of enemies without their notice. Other times, they can practically hear a gnat fart on a distant planet. One may sound the alarm the moment you have a toenail out of line. But I’ve also had a staredown with a guard who didn’t have a synapse fire for roughly five seconds.
It’s weird and not great.
But hopefully, with this guide, you can finish Sabotage without having to brain some telepath with an itchy trigger finger. No promises.

Steps to complete Sabotage in Starfield with only stealth
Sabotage is the penultimate mission in the Ryujin questline and is tough to pull off. You need to use everything you learned so far. Your job: Infiltrate Infinity Ltd. in New Atlantis; run a program on two of its executive’s computers; and make off with the company’s prototype Internal Neuroamp.
You can either complete the mission by going through the front door or sneaking in from the roof. Obviously, we’re taking the roof.
But first, you need to chat with Veena Kalra, who installs the Internal Neuroamp on your character. The Neuroamp gives you mind-control powers by means of twisted science. So cool. With it installed, you can open up your scanner and use Manipulation to force an unwilling participant to perform small tasks like opening doors or moving out of the way. It has a 90% success rate on most enemies you find in Sabotage; that 10% means you should learn to quicksave often.

You’re also given the Operative Stealth Suit for the mission. The outfit makes it 25% harder for enemies to detect you.
Here’s what you should consider to complete the Sabotage quest using stealth in Starfield successfully:
- Operative Stealth Suit
- Digipicks
- At least one point in the Stealth Skill for the stealth meter
- Two points in Security to lockpick Expert locks
- (Optional) Use Reconstim to decrease movement noise by 30% for 10 minutes
- Remove armor but keep a jump pack equipped
- Go solo; guards can see companions
Breaking into Infinity Ltd.
Let’s take it from the top, literally. Start your mission on the Infinity Ltd. rooftop and head inside the door:

Go through the vent. You’ll find yourself above a large ventilation fan. Use the Neuroamp to manipulate the security guard you see to turn the fan off. It’s a 100% success rate with this guy, so don’t worry about failing and reloading.

Drop onto a fan blade and then the floor below. You have two options: Turn off the heating, an optional objective that empties the building of all NPCs save for pissed-off guards, or continue and risk more eyes spotting you. I suggest turning off the heating, as the fewer people who can raise the alarm, the better. The caveat is that the gas is toxic, so you may take damage in some areas.

Backtrack after turning off the heater and go through the vent. Progress until you drop down onto a platform. Sneak over the beam you see below, drop to the next platform, and head into the vent:

Move until you drop again and head into the vent near you. At this point, you’re close to the first set of security guards. Be sure to keep it in stealth mode and avoid jumping or hopping, or they will hear you. Next, climb onto the beam to the right after you exit the last vent. The jump looks tricky, but it’s not that hard to pull off:

There will be an opening above you and a box you can hop on top of to reach it. A guard is patrolling just above. Wait until you hear them move away and then stand up while on the box. Use the Neuroamp on the guard and move them to the left. Climb the rail and enter the door to Lucas’ office.
Hack Lucas’ computer. It’s a Novice lock, so it should be fairly easy. Now, leave quickly and hop back down into the gap you climbed out of. I didn’t experiment to find out if manipulated guards can regain consciousness or not, so I suggest you make a hasty exit. Next, locate the next vent near you. It’s above an office with a guard standing nearby. Go through there, and you’ll find yourself above a bathroom. Enter the bathroom and stop.

Here’s where things can first go south. The bathroom door leads to a large, circular area with guards patrolling around. If one hears you open the door, they will come to investigate. You can wait and hope that there won’t be one next to the door, but it’s a gamble. I chose to open the door, and if a guard heard me and started walking over, I jumped back into the area above the bathroom. They lose interest after a few seconds.
Once you’re able to leave the bathroom safely, turn left and walk down the hallway. There is a guard patrolling the hall, so duck into one of the offices to the left in order to avoid them. Keep moving until you reach an entrance on the left leading into an employee break room. Use the Neuroamp to manipulate the lone guard inside and make them walk to the right. Head inside and go left until you get to a vent.

Enter the vent, go down, and take a left. Drop down onto a platform above a bunch of office suites. Start walking on the right-side beam and turn right. To progress, turn right, right, left, and left. Take the vent you see on the left-hand side. If there’s a guard close enough to hear the vent open, use the Neuroamp to move them away.
Drop down the elevator shaft using the beams to break your fall. Next, open the vent and use the Neuroamp to move the guard to the right.

Drop down and climb onto the pipes on the left side. Don’t worry about the turret; it can’t see you up there. Enter the vent on the left side.

Drop down and follow the path until you get to a hatch. Open it up to reveal a shower. Enter the shower and look to the right to see a staircase going up. You can sneak past the guards on your left without alerting them. Head upstairs and into Fay’s office. Hack Faye’s computer and that’s it for your second objective. Now, all you need to do is steal the prototype Neuroamp, and you’re free. But first, steal the R&D ID Card from Faye’s desk before leaving.

Starfield Sabotage stealth quest: Steal the Neuroamp
Go back downstairs and enter the orange door to the left. We’re heading to the R&D room next, but we have a guard and a security turret in the way. This might get a bit spicy. The guard is above the R&D room and can usually hear you opening the door. If they do, they will leap down and open fire.

Getting into the door without alerting anything is tricky and may require retries and experimentation. But here is what you can try:
- Keep back by the door and use a pillar to prevent line of sight of both the guard and turret or try it on the right-hand side
- Do something to make noise, like jump
- This alerts the guard, who comes down to investigate
- Quickly use the Neuroamp to manipulate the guard and move them as far away as possible
- Avoid the turret’s gaze and sprint to the stairs
- Turn off the turret with the computer on the upper level
- Drop down and use the R&D ID Card to open the door
- Close the door behind you
You’ve made it to the R&D lab, but the job isn’t over until you get the Neuroamp. Before you do, press the button to the right of the device to close the shutters. Doing so will prevent the guards outside from seeing you. Next, locate the nearby computer terminal and hack it to turn off the security alarm (Expert lock). Once both those steps are complete, steal the Neuroamp.

With the Neuroamp in tow, you’ve completed all your objectives. And hopefully, you haven’t been seen so far. Now, you need to keep it that way as you make for the exit.
Leave the lab and go back to where you used the computer to turn off the turret. Go to the walkway and climb the two boxes. You should see an opening with two large pipes.

Climb up and use the pipes to return to the hallway with the elevator shaft. The elevator is now working, so take it up to the lobby.

And that’s it. You’re free! All you have left to do is provide some “evidence” to David Barron and report back to Ryujin.
Sabotage quest – Rewards
The rewards for completing the Sabotage quest, stealth or otherwise, are about as typical as you expect from Starfield. I earned two med packs, 11,800 credits, and 350 experience points. After what we just went through, we should have expected no less than a parade in our honor. Oh, well. Maybe next time?
Published: Oct 21, 2023 3:16 PM UTC