Life Eater has you abducting and sacrificing people in order to prevent your patron deity from ending the world. This is mostly straightforward right up until Chapter 5, when you have to abduct an already dying man out from under the nose of his loved ones.
I can’t tell you the target’s name because it’s partially random. However, I’ve only seen them with the last name Morgan.
The most important part of this chapter is that uncovering anything on your target’s timeline does not increase the abduction percentage of your target. Try all you want; the target is in a coma, so every spot on their timeline is just “Sleep.”
You’re given two hints to go off of with this chapter. The first is that uncovering the schedule of the target’s loved ones will reveal something about the target itself. The other is that your task it to abduct the target while no one is looking. That doesn’t tell you a lot, especially since the family never leaves their side. It doesn’t count when people are sleeping; you need a moment when the target is alone.
You need to go through the other two people’s timelines to try and find a moment when their schedules align, and they aren’t with your target. There is exactly one very brief moment that this happens, stuck between all the meaningless actions. You’ll know you hit the moment because the panel is colored red. Then you just need to uncover the other person’s action at the same moment, as well as the targets, and you will finally be able to abduct.
Note that you do not need to abduct either of the other two people.

What time can you abduct the Chapter 5 target?
The exact time that the target is alone on Chapter 5 is Thursday at 10am. One of the other people falls and calls the other for help. Uncover the three panels on that day, and your target can be abducted.
For the sacrifice, your target definitely sleeps more than 6 hours a day, does not have a commute, and does not have grey hair. Furthermore, they do take two bathroom breaks, do not have kids, and do not live alone.
This means you need to remove the large intestine, the left lung, and break rib #22. Water the flower, and that should complete Chapter 5.
Published: Apr 16, 2024 1:43 PM UTC