I guarantee that this is the weirdest thing you’ll see today.
If you’re familiar with Heavy Rain, you may know that the playable characters in the game were based off of real people — the voice actors for the respective roles. Sam Douglas voiced, and provided the character model for, private investigator Scott Shelby. (Here’s what Shelby looks like in the game.)
What you probably didn’t know until now, though, is that Douglas played a bit part in the 2005 film Derailed, which featured Clive Owen and Jennifer Aniston. Why should you care? Just watch the video above, and have your mind blown by Scott Shelby in the movie, five years before the release of Heavy Rain. It’s a particularly strange coincidence since the detective in the film is wearing the same outfit that Shelby sports through all of Heavy Rain, and, uh, he’s playing a detective in the film. Yeah. Crazy, huh?
Sam Douglas can also be seen in such cinematic classics as Agent Cody Banks 2: Destination London.
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Published: Mar 22, 2010 11:00 pm