This game just keeps getting better
Here is your reminder that Ghost of a Tale may very well be the most darkly adorable game in creation — if it ever bloody gets the funding! In case you’ve forgotten, it’s a game by a former Pixar animator, and it stars a mouse with a lute, because it’s awesome.
Some new assets have been revealed, showing off some other awesome looking characters — notably a crab with diamonds on it, and a frog with a spear, using sea shells as armor. It’s like the cast of Wind in the Willows decided to do Dark Souls cosplay. I am in love with this.
The game currently sits at only €26,111 of a €45,000 total on Indiegogo, with eight days to go. I don’t understand why this isn’t appealing to literally everybody, why isn’t this appealing to literally everybody? I don’t get it.
Mouse with lute. Undead rat. Diamond crab. Frog spearman. Sold, sold, sold!
Published: May 6, 2013 3:00 PM UTC