Games of the week for 07/25/10: Scatman edition

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Our very own Joseph Leray reminded me of Scatman today. Now you all get to watch Scatman and be reminded of him as well. My God the Nineties was an age of kings. An age, my friends, of kings!

In other news, games were played this week. Hit the jump to find out which ones.

Chester: Red Faction: Guerilla on 360; Young Thor on PSP; FrontierVille in any web browser; Coil on PC; Alien Swarm for a few seconds when I finally got it working on my PC; and Castlevania Puzzle on the iPad.

Sterling: Most of my time has been spent with Arc Rise Fantasia for review. It’s a by-the-numbers JRPG and that’s actually quite fine with me. Voice acting really does drag down what could have been a good story though. Also been playing Alien Swarm which is great fun, and have been constantly checking up on my Hero’s progress in Godville

Then there’s that whole FrontierVille thing …

Holmes: I played some Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom this week and got my butt kicked. I also played Cave Story, Modern Warfare 2, Fifa 2010, and Ice Hockey (NES) for a new video series that may or may not ever exsit.

Also played some Persona 3 Portable, and a bunch of games on the Data East Arcade Collection. Peter Pepper’s Ice Cream Factory is still the hardest game ever.

Zimmerman: Limbo is the thing which stands out most in my memory, though I have to admit to not liking it all that much. The puzzles are good and the animation brilliant, but — never thought I’d say this — the atmosphere is too oppressive. I’m not fascinated by the grey and black world, I’m just kinda bored with it. I’ll likely finish, as I don’t think I have too much further to go, but I’m not overly keen.

Also, started a 100% completion run of Deadly Premonition.

Carey: Playing Castlevania Puzzle for review, and I’m jealous of Nick for having an iPad for that one. It could really benefit from a larger screen. Also played Star Wars: The Battle for Hoth for review, along with Godville, Forsaken, and Helsing’s Fire all on iPhone.

Meanwhile, in console land — beat PoP: Forgotten Sands, which was an enjoyable rental. Started Transformers: WFC and almost turned it off, but then Soundwave and StarScream started getting more dialogue, and I was hooked.

Tolentino: Besides some progress in Persona 3 Portable and Alpha Protocol, I’ve given most of my gaming time to unlocking the rest of Battlefield: Bad Company 2‘s class gadgets. Getting stuff in Assault and Recon is tough when you suck at shooting people.

Also for some reason I find I play better when Hall and Oates is playing in the background. I wonder if that applies to all games.

Chester: I need to back you up on this one, man — I found it almost unplayable on the smaller iPhone screen. The text was too small, and the field in which to swipe for controls is just too tiny. I do wish there was an HD iPad-specific version, but even when it’s upscaled, it still looks pretty decent on the iPad. This would make a great game on home consoles; a PlayStation Network for Xbox LIVE Arcade download would be awesome.

Carey: I would love to have this game on PSN/XBLA – given the success of Puzzle Quest 1&2 in those markets I’m really surprised that Konami didn’t go there first.

Sarkar: I bought Limbo on Wednesday and beat it that night; I absolutely adored it, and while we’re just past the halfway point of the year, I think it might be a personal GOTY contender like Shadow Complex was for some folks last year. Simply brilliant.

This week, I also spent time with the Madden NFL 11 demo on my PS3. I’m really enjoying it — you can read my impressions here — and I’ll have a more detailed write-up regarding the gameplay side of things on August 2nd.

Other than that, I’m at the endgame of Red Dead Redemption — actually, I’ve been there for more than a week now — and I just don’t want the game to end, so I’ve been playing other stuff instead. So I’ve jumped back into my NHL 10 Be A Pro mode, where I managed to get my created player (me) promoted to the New York Rangers (NHL) from the minor-league Hartford Wolf Pack (AHL)! Man, I love that game.

Devore: Did the whole Limbo thing, then I went back and foolishly attempted the “don’t die five+ times” run and only made it about halfway through the game. Otherwise, Team Fortress 2 — I’ve gotten back into it. Currently, I’m playing as the Pyro for the first real time. Flare gun rules.

Zimmerman: I’m very curious as to why you think it’s a GOTY contender, Samit. The puzzles are good, sure, and are scripted in such a way as to deliver some dramatic effect. But I fail to see much more than a very slow-moving platformer with a visual style that seeks to completely obscure … well, everything.

Concelmo: I am at 99% completion for LEGO Harry Potter, but cannot for the life of me find the last few Gold Bricks and Character Tokens. It is driving me crazy. Great game, though. Casting Wingardium Leviosa on a pile of LEGOs never gets old.

Also started Sin & Punishment: Star Successor which I LOVE! Super addictive, with just the right level of challenge.

Aziz: Got and beat Limbo. It had an ending. Cool. Fun ride though!

North: I’ve been playing a new game called Con SARS Defense. I played a lot of cool shit at comiccon. Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions, Castlevania: Harmony of Despair, and more.

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