Leave it to sub-par gaming mag GamePro to pick and change the name of an already awkwardly-named GamePro Expo to the even shattier moniker of Entertainment for All Expo — or as the cool kids call it, E for All Expo. Couldn’t they have picked a better name? Does it matter? Hell, you might as well just call the event what it really is: Swag Nerds Converge on Los Angeles Expo. Or: God Look at All These Hot Chicks I’ll Never Get Expo.
What would I have done? Just leave the name GamePro Expo. Because, at the end of the day, who cares? Even my little rant above matters not.
Either way, consider the “new E3” to be E for All Expo now. Make your travel plans and expect to see Destructoid there tearin’ sh*t up, as usual. That, or spreading our dreaded robot herpes.
As you know or may not know, the name of this event was part of a contest. Find out about that after the jump.
[Thanks, Fonz]
Who is responsible for this monstrosity? This dude:
More than 3000 entries were submitted on GamePro.com. The winning entry was proposed by California resident Dante Padre, who has won a trip to the E For All Expo for his submission Padre explained his inspiration behind the E for All Expo name, saying that “this show seems to be about inviting everyone to participate…they even asked gamers to create the name.”
The E for All Expo, commonly considered a follow-up to the now-defunct E3 Expo, is officially endorsed by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA), making it the video game industry’s official go-to expo.E for All Expo will offer consumers the opportunity to test-drive the latest in games and gadgetry, as well as purchase products they enjoyed over the course of the three-day event at on-site retail facilities.
What can you expect at this event besides babes and swag. Take a look:
• high-profile videogame tournaments
• job fair/networking opportunities
• family-friendly offerings
• the acclaimed Video Games Live concert
Published: Jan 5, 2007 02:16 pm