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FFXIV Chi Special Fate: How to earn Bolts and unlock Level Checker

Everyone do the Chi Chi slide...

Chi is Ultima Thule’s Omicron Special FATE bass, and like all Final Fantasy XIV FATE bosses, it’s a large-scale encounter and best attempted in big groups. Defeating Chi rewards Chi Bolts, which can be exchanged for the Level Checker mount. Here’s our guide to everything Chi.

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How to Spawn Chi

Chi’s boss FATE, Omicron Recall: Killing Order, is the culmination of a three FATE chain in Ultima Thule. The first two FATEs in the chain are:

FATE nameLevelLocationType
Omicron Recall: Comms Expansion89Ultima Thule (X29.4, Y25.8)Gather
Omicron Recall: Secure Connection89Ultima Thule (X33.3, Y26.8)Defense

Omicron Recall: Killing Order can only spawn once within 48 hours on a world server, so there is no guarantee that completing the other two FATEs will spawn the third and final. The first two Omicron Recall FATEs spawn as a regular part of the area’s FATE cycle, so complete them as many times as you like if you’re actively hunting Chi.

Faloop! — a community-sourced tool useful in tracking boss FATEs and Hunt marks — is my go-to for checking the timer on Chi and other limited-time marks. Simply select your Data Centre and World Server, and Faloop! shows you whether a boss FATE is “open”. Open FATEs have a chance to spawn by completing the FATE chain, while “closed” FATEs spawned recently and cannot pop again for 48 hours.

Chi spawn location

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Omicron Recall: Killing Order spawns on a small, square arena floating just northeast of Base Omicron called the Lost Hydraulic Platform (X34.4 Y21.4). You won’t see the FATE marker on your map, but head there anyway if you think Chi is lurking.

Notable Mechanics

Assault Carapace

Assault Carapace will be one of two variations, signaled by either a line or ring of lasers which gather underneath Chi. The line of lasers will cause a line aoe to either side of the lasers, while the ring of lasers will create a massive donut aoe – remain inside of the lasers to avoid this. 

Fore Arms/Rear Guns

These are both half-circle AOEs, affecting half of the arena. Fore Arms’ AOE cleaves the front half of Chi’s hitbox and beyond, while Rear Guns hits the back of Chi’s hitbox and beyond — adjust accordingly. 

Bunker Buster

For anyone who has completed either The Puppet’s Bunker or Thaleia, this will be a familiar mechanic. A fore-warned series of explosions across the entire arena that need to be avoided

Getting and spending Chi Bolts

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To avoid you making the same mistake that I did when grinding this boss FATE, here’s a warning: Chi Bolts look almost identical to Precision Gordian Bolts. Try to avoid accidentally throwing them away while rushing to clean up your inventory. 

It’s best to try and form full parties in order to complete any boss FATE, so once you arrive at the location, try opening up Party Finder or sending out a Shout to find a group. This isn’t a requirement, but it does help to maximise your contribution to the FATE. 

The number of Chi Bolts you receive has a direct correlation to how big your contribution is towards the successful completion of the FATE. The maximum number of Chi Bolts you can receive is six per Gold-rated completion. You’ll need to complete Omicron Recall: Killing Order a minimum of two times, depending on your contribution, in order to get the Level Checker mount, which costs 12 Chi Bolts.

Once you’ve got your 12 Chi Bolts, head to Radz-at-Han and talk to Nesvaaz (X10.6, Y10.0), selecting “Out-of-this-world Oddities”. Nesvaaz also has the rewards for the Daivadipa boss FATE. 

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Image of Paula Vaynshteyn
Paula Vaynshteyn
With her first experience of gaming being on an Atari ST, Paula has been gaming for her entire life. She’s 9,000 hours deep into Final Fantasy XIV, spends more time on cozy games than she would care to admit, and is also a huge bookworm. Juggling online adventuring with family life has its struggles, but she wouldn’t have it any other way.