I’d be lying if I said Johnny was my favorite Final Fantasy 7 character, but he’s actually kind of fun in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth as he embarks on his entrepreneurial pursuit. You can help, and in return, you can enjoy his hotel.
Johnny’s Seaside Inn is where you’re forced to stay when you arrive in Costa Del Sol. However, it’s not until the beginning of Chapter 7 that you help him renovate the place. Him and all his Ninjutsu clones, I mean. The quest is called “The Saga of Seaside Inn.” If you don’t pick it up organically, you can find it on the quest board.
This leads you to help the clones with various tasks involving the renovations. You find them first at Costa Falls south of town. You’re asked to find their supplies, conveniently dropped at the top of every zipline in the area. You only need four bundles to progress, but if you want the stamp, you’ll want to grab all of them.
You then head to the factory and speak to the Johnnys there. The need you to craft a boiler valve. Scan the lifesprings in the area, and you’ll get the location of an excavation site. Use a Chocobo to dig up the area, and you’ll find the recipe for the valve. The valve is then built using 5 chunks of iron ore, 2 chunks of zinc ore, and 2 amethysts. You then deliver it back to the Johnnys at the factory.
The last thing you need is the Tonberry King’s crown. You won’t be able to get this until Chapter 9 when southern Corel opens up. Once it does, you can scan further lifesprings to find the Tonberry King’s location. Then, when you fight it, there are two outcomes. If you simply defeat the Tonberry King, you can get the Marred Crown. However, if you stagger the king and knock its crown off, then use the “Steal” ability (gained using materia) you can take the Pristine Crown.
If you found all the materials by the ziplines and brought Johnny the Pristine Crown, you’ll get a gold stamp. Either way, Johnny will complete the Inn, and it will be yours. Kind of. You can store all the figures and other achievements you’ve gained there. Plus, all your gear will be displayed. It’s a pretty neat place to call home.
Published: Mar 4, 2024 04:13 pm