Just in case you missed it
If you’re wondering what’s going to happen to the Fallout 76 PTS (public test server) now that the Bethesda launcher is going away; it’s moving entirely to Steam.
As a refresh, the Fallout 76 PTS was a place where, similar to other PTS servers (typically in Blizzard games or MMOs), players were able to test upcoming changes and submit feedback. For a game like Fallout 76, it was invaluable to both fans and the development team, as it had to claw its way back into the public favor, and needed a large amount of people to test out bugs and identify causation and potential fixes.
Previously, anyone with the Bethesda launcher was granted access, alongside of a few perks (like a PTS banner). The PTS was a perk itself, meant to point people toward the proprietary launcher, but plans may have changed with Microsoft now in the commander seat. The new era is going to be even more fruitful for the actual development team most likely though; as the PTS is now accessible by anyone who has the game on Steam. It’s a pretty big win for everyone as it’s easier to access now on a more popular platform, and the developers will likely get more data.
Although the publisher announced the news recently, I figured it was worth a PSA, because there’s a decent chunk of people who still play Fallout 76 here. As a reminder, the full Fallout 76 transition FAQ can be found here, which answers questions regarding the PTS, transfer, and memberships.
Published: Feb 25, 2022 8:00 PM UTC