I am convinced that 3D Realms is a joke company that specializes in long-term pranks. The ridiculous trailer for the new portable Duke Nukem games, the farcical delay of Duke Nukem Forever and the whole attitude surrounding the franchise just screams of a big laugh at our expense.
This is why talk of a Duke Nukem movie leaves me similarly wary of publishers sniggering behind my back.
Hollywood producer Scott Faye, the man currently bringing Max Payne to theaters, is the man responsible for Duke‘s alleged film debut, and is allegedly working with 3D Realms to allegedly make it happen. Faye says he is “working diligently at making a Duke Nukem movie scenario that will live up to the character and its import in the videogame world.”
If it’s a faithful recreation he’s after, don’t expect to see a Duke Nukem movie for the next twenty-two years.
Published: Sep 9, 2008 11:38 am