Rejoice Dragon Quest fans, for we finally have more information on DQ Swords for the Wii. Up until now, not much was known about the game at all, but Adam Riley over at Cubed³ managed to get his paws on an early version of the game. Read on to see what he had to say about it.
The game itself is a self-contained, on-rails adventure. The main character cannot deviate from the path set ahead, other than to head backwards from whence you came, alternating directions by use of the ‘A’ and ‘B’ buttons on the Wii controller (which, by the way, was the control option in the demo version shown, although whether the nunchuk has now been implemented is unknown at this time). Thankfully there is a little more interaction to the game than that, as you can search for hidden items as you move around, simply by pointing the Wii controller at surrounding foliage and giving it a quick flick with your wrist, plus there are plenty of characters to talk to along the way.
Hit the jump for more.
Once you have travelled so far in one direction and end up reaching a diverting route, a killer7-like choice appears on-screen, leaving you to choose which way you wish to go in next. Just point and click the desired path and away you go once more. As you trundle along, as expected in an RPG you are faced with numerous enemy battle encounters (thankfully not of the random variety). The various creatures jump out from all sides and the screen turns into ‘battle-mode’ and as they begin to take pot-shots at you it is your opportunity to literally go head-to-head with them as you must physically swing the Wii controller to act like your in-game sword. Swinging from side-to-side results in horizontal slashes, vertical movements are mimicked by the appropriate actions and even thrusting the Wii controller forward does the same with the character’s sword. It certainly does take a short while to get used to, but it quickly becomes more natural in its feel than Zelda’s sword fighting.
I would highly recommend you give the entire story a read at the link above. Adam’s post is greatly interesting and also provides a little history for those of you who aren’t in touch with the franchise. Definitely worth a read.
Published: Jan 5, 2007 09:14 am