Little Big Planet is on sale at Amazon. Let’s move on, shall we?
It’s that period in the week where we realize that we’re broke after a weekend of partying but will still need to get our gaming fix. Sounds like the right time for deals. Sadly, we still aren’t getting a lot of economic relief from the week’s ads. Best Buy does have Call of Duty 4: Game of the Year for a decent price. GameStop has used copies of Rock Band for anyone who skipped straight to the sequel and want cheap songs.
On Amazon, Little Big Planet gets a fair discount, along with a few other PS3 titles. And if you need a Memory Stick for your PSP, I’ve found a 60% discount for you.
Target, once again, disappoints us with absolutely nothing. Hit the jump and chide them for being such failures.
Software Discounts
- Little Big Planet [PS3] – $44.99 ($15 savings)
- Metal Gear Solid 4 [PS3] – $39.99 ($10 savings)
- Bioshock [PS3] – $29.99 ($10 savings)
- Lost Planet: Extreme Condition [PS3] – $16.95 ($13 savings)
- Smackdown vs. Raw 2009 Collector’s Edition [PS3] – $42.23 ($18 savings)
- Star Wars: Force Unleahsed [360] – $39.83 ($20 savings)
- Don King Presents: Prizefighter [360] – $14.80 ($25 savings)
- Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility [Wii] – $39.99 ($10 savings)
- Wario Land: Shake It! [Wii] – $34.79 ($15 savings)
Accessory Discounts
- Xbox Live 12+1 month subscription card [link] – $38.99 ($11 savings)
- Nyko Perfect Shot gun for Wii [link] – $11.99 ($6 savings)
- Sony Memory Stick Pro Duo 8 GB [link] – $36.75 ($63 savings)
Software Discounts
- EndWar [360] – $29.99 ($10 savings)
- Guitar Hero On Tour: Decades bundle [DS] – $39.99 ($10 savings)
- Call of Duty 4: GOTY Edition [360] – $39.99 ($20 savings)
Accessory Discounts
- Limited Edition Red Wireless Controller bundle for Xbox 360 – $54.99 ($10 savings)
- Wireless Network Adapter for Xbox 360 – $79.99 ($20 savings)
(Please note that GameStop’s ad cycle differs from most major retailers, with ads being released on Fridays. Promotions listed here may expire Thursday night.)
Software Discounts
- Guitar Hero World Tour [360/PS3/Wii] – $159.99 ($20 price drop)
- Guitar Hero World Tour [PS2] – $149.99 ($20 price drop)
- Call of Duty: World at War [360/PS3] -$49.99 ($10 price drop)
- Rock Band [360] – $14.99 ($10 savings, USED)
- Rock Band [PS3] – $14.99 ($5 savings, USED)
- Guitar Hero III [360] – $14.99 ($5 savings, USED)
- Guitar Hero III [PS3] – $14.99 ($10 savings, USED)
Accessory Discounts
- Logitech Driving Force Wheel for PS2/PS3 – $49.99 ($30 savings)
Published: Mar 8, 2009 02:00 pm