If there’s one thing Capcom fans haven’t been quiet about over the years, it’s their desire for a new entry in the Dino Crisis series. Capcom hasn’t outright dashed these hopes either, and even included it as an option in a recent survey that covered a ton of burning questions. Naturally, fans delivered, choosing Dino Crisis as the title they’d most like to see get a sequel or new game.
Before we get into a breakdown of the results, let’s poke that Dino Crisis bear again. Capcom’s 1999 PlayStation slice of dinosaur horror garnered 80,769 votes to be named the “Capcom game series that you would like to see get a sequel or a new game.” Mega Man came in second, and Devil May Cry came in third.

While Dino Crisis made a deep impression on the global top 10, Japan opted for Ace Attorney as its most-wanted sequel with a little over 14,000 votes. Some of Capcom’s other notably dormant series got some love, too. Darkstalkers came in sixth place globally, followed by Okami and Onimusha. Breath of Fire sits at the bottom of the top 10 around the world, but Japan deemed it worthy of sixth place overall. It’s worth noting that these options were all provided.
Remade in the shade

There are many good takeaways in this poll, and it’s so fun to sift through in general. For instance, when you factor in the age ranges for most-wanted sequels, the youngest demographic wants more Devil May Cry. Conversely, the mid-range of people in the 30s and 40s want Dino Crisis, while the real veterans of the console wars in the 50s and 60s just want to jam some Darkstalkers. Let them eat.
Outside of the love for Dino Crisis, fans let Capcom know which games they’d like to see “completely remade with the latest technology, including character design and story direction.” Third place went to Breath of Fire I, II, and III, while the original Onimusha trilogy placed second. With 87,706 votes scattered about, first place ended up being a grab bag of games, from the first three Mega Man entries to Rival Schools, Final Fight, Ace Attorney, and the Gargoyle’s Quest games.
Everybody loves Dante

According to Capcom Town, over 250,000 votes were cast during the latest Capcom Super Election. A cavalcade of mostly-male voters (82 percent versus 14 percent female and 4 percent “other”) came through, predominantly in their 20s and 30s. The United States took the cake for votes cast out of the 220 countries that participated. Over 71,000 votes came from the U.S., with Japan coming in second at nearly 53,000.
The real winner in all of this was undoubtedly Devil May Cry star Dante. The results for the first question, “Which of the following Capcom games do you like the best?,” saw Devil May Cry 5 on top, with Dino Crisis and Resident Evil 4 coming in second and third, respectively. Dante also narrowly beat out Leon S. Kennedy as the favorite Capcom character, with the silver fox wearing the crown both in Japan and around the world. Women sided with Leon for the most part, but still placed Dante in second. As for the top women of Capcom, Resident Evil‘s Jill Valentine led the global list, and Street Fighter‘s Chun-Li was Japan’s true World Warrior.
When it comes to Capcom, it looks like fans want more of their favorite games and characters to mount a comeback. In the “complaints” department, 103,331 people said they wish Capcom would “Reboot previous IPs!” Considering the fact that the top three for “What was the first Capcom game you played?” turned out to be Mega Man (1), Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (2), and Resident Evil (3), I think it’s safe to say The Olds came out in droves to let their voices be heard.
Now get on it, Capcom. Give us the Dino Crisis game we so desperately need.
Published: Jun 12, 2024 7:45 PM UTC