Developer Digital Extremes has released a Sevagoth Prime and a new Prologue Quest, The Lotus Eaters, for Warframe. Fans have been waiting since TennoCon 2024 to get their hands on the new Prime Warframe and dive into this short quest ahead of this year’s major expansion, Warframe: 1999.
Sevagoth Prime is a new version of what might be the most terrifying Warframe in the game. Every one of its abilities charges up a meter that can be used to summon a spooky death-like visage that deals massive amounts of damage to enemies and looks glorious. Provided you’re the one controlling it.
The Lotus Eaters is a short narrative quest for players who have completed the Whispers in the Wall quest. In it, you’ll reunite with a familiar character and set up the events leading to Warframe: 1999, where you’ll battle through all sorts of chaos.
More story and more beautiful death

We are continuing our world tour in Germany and it’s so cool to be back in Cologne. Launching this Update alongside our Tenno across Europe on the opening day of Gamescom is just wild. Players have been clamoring for another taste of The Lotus in the story and this bite-sized Quest might just offer a tad more insight into her role here. This is just an appetizer of course, we’ve got more brewing to share next month at Tokyo Game Show and 1999 launches this winter!
Rebecca Ford, Creative Director at Digital Extremes
Sevagoth Prime replaces Protea Prime as the current Warframe available through Prime Access. You can opt to grind Relics for Blueprints and craft your Sevagoth Prime, or skip that process and buy access to it through one of Warframe‘s premium packages. If you’re new to the game, maybe having moved over from Destiny 2, I can’t recommend grabbing a Prime Warframe early on enough. Protea Prime helped me smash through many quests, and I’ve no doubt Sevagoth Prime will be just as useful.
If you haven’t completed Whispers in the Wall, then you won’t be able to tackle The Lotus Eaters Prologue Quest. Warframe‘s story is a little bonkers but it’s essential you experience these quests in order to retain your sanity and an understanding of what’s going on. So take your time, work through the quests you have left, and hit this one when you’re ready.
While The Lotus Eaters is a new piece of story content to enjoy, it’s short. The main goal of this quest is to help set up the story for this winter’s expansion, Warframe: 1999. The expansion throws players into an Earth not quite like ours in the year 1999, when everyone is worried about Y2K, and there’s a terrifying tech virus consuming everything it can touch.
Right now is an extremely exciting time to be a Warframe player. Outside of the new content in this article, the game will be getting yet another expansion before the main one this winter, and there’s already 11 years’ worth of story to play through with a community more than willing to provide spoiler-free help and resources.
Published: Aug 21, 2024 3:00 PM UTC