Destiny 2 fan shows off incredible Witness cosplay

Witness the true final shape.

Witness cosplay

Cosplayers Cinderys and CosplayXia just used The Cosmodrome, Bungie’s community showcase, to reveal their cosplay of The Witness, one of the most otherworldly-looking characters in the history of Destiny, and it looks so good it could feature on a Destiny movie adaptation right now.

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I’ll be the first to admit that I clowned hard on the appearance of Destiny 2’s The Witness, a.k.a. The Entity, when Bungie first revealed the villain that would lead the charge in The Final Shape. The weird space unibrow plus the cloud of heads hovering over their own head just seemed too goofy and impractical for an enemy that wanted to seem menacing, for players who’d already been up against half the galaxy. I was very wrong.

The video above shows both the final work and the making of the promotional video showcase. And sure, there are some effects done in post to add the background with the flying pyramids, VFX to make The Witness’ weird movements come to live, and even some CG to bring The Witness’ cloud of smoke look more realistic. Still, there are a lot of practical effects, high-tech animatronics, and even practical smoke involved. The whole thing works very well even without all the CGI smoke-and-mirrors. The make-up, the shiny Grey Alien-looking eyes, the costume design and fabric all look spectacular.

There’s no better way to prove that a character could actually kick ass in real life than having a cosplayer actually embodying it, and Cinderys pulled it off perfectly. From now on, I’ll refrain from writing off any idea of a cosplay as “impossible.”

You can now face off against the real video game Witness on Destiny 2: The Final Shape on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

About The Author
Tiago Manuel
Tiago is a freelancer who used to write about video games, cults, and video game cults. He now writes for Destructoid in an attempt to find himself on the winning side when the robot uprising comes.
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