Destiny 2 Episode guide: Echoes, Revenant, Heresy

The new season set up.

cayde 6 in destiny 2 the final shape

Following the release of Destiny 2: The Final Shape, developer Bungie is moving the game to a new model that will ditch seasons in favor of Episodes. These are narrative arcs that last longer than seasons and should pack in a lot more story set after the expansion’s conclusion.

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Destiny 2 has had dozens of seasons, each one slowly moving the story forward between expansions. I’ve had my battles with this model because, at times, it felt to me like I couldn’t play anything else if I wanted to make the most of them. With The Final Shape being the last major expansion for the game, Bungie is moving away from seasons and offering players something new and different on a much less pressured time scale.

Destiny 2 Episodes guide

After Destiny 2: The Final Shape was delayed, so too were the Episodes that were coming to the game after its launch. I have final timing details on the first Episode, and using the six-week schedule, I’ve worked out roughly when the following Episodes and Acts should be released. I’ve outlined this below, alongside what each Episode should be about.

Destiny 2 Episode 1: Echoes

Destiny 2 Episode 1: Echoes is scheduled for release on June 11, 2024. This Episode will focus on the Vex, which likely means it’ll entail some sort of world-ending problem they’re causing by going back or forward in time. The Acts release schedule for this Episode is roughly as follows.

  • Destiny 2 Episode 1 Echoes Act 1 – June 11, 2024 to July 23, 2024
  • Destiny 2 Episode 1 Echoes Act 2 – July 23, 2024 to September 3, 2024
  • Destiny 2 Episode 1 Echoes Act 3 – September 3, 2024 to October 15, 2024

Destiny 2 Episode 2: Revenant

Destiny 2 Episode 2: Revenant is a Scorn-based Episode. This faction is one of the most annoying to fight in the game but also incredibly interesting because they’re effectively mutated Fallen zombies. It’ll be interesting to see what they’re up to when this Episode rolls around. The rough timings for the Episode are as follows.

  • Destiny 2 Episode 2 Revenant Act 1 – October 15, 2024 to November 26, 2024
  • Destiny 2 Episode 2 Revenant Act 2 – November 26, 2024 to January 7, 2025
  • Destiny 2 Episode 2 Revenant Act 3 – January 7, 2025 to February 18, 2025

Destiny 2 Episode 3: Heresy

To end the run of Episodes, we have Destiny 2 Episode 3: Heresy. This one will look at the Hive, though I have no idea which ones in particular. We’ve battled with the Hive pretty consistently since the original Destiny and have killed off or seriously injured most of their leaders. It’s hard to imagine what might pop up next. The rough timings for this Episode are outlined below.

  • Destiny 2 Episode 3 Heresy Act 1 – February 18, 2025 to April 1, 2025
  • Destiny 2 Episode 3 Heresy Act 2 – April 1, 2025 to May 13, 2025
  • Destiny 2 Episode 3 Heresy Act 3 – May 13, 2025 to June 24, 2025

This would take us up to just over a year after the release of Destiny 2: The Final Shape. However, the original timeline was just shy of a year, so I’d expect a few of these end and launch weeks to coincide or shift back to fall in line with the original plan.

What are Episodes in Destiny 2?

Episodes are massive chunks of new content for Destiny 2. While seasons often added a new story you could play a part of each week, Dungeons, new activities, and new weapons, Episodes go further. They still have all the same content a season would add, but now more is added every six weeks.

For example, the Echoes Episode begins with Act 1, then it’ll get Act 2 six weeks later, and Act 3 after another six weeks. Each Act adds new activities, new Exotics, more story, and even more season pass ranks to climb through. They layer on top of each other until the Episode ends after three months, and the next one starts.

My hope for this system is that it does away with the frantic need to play through everything in a season as fast as possible as soon as it drops. Instead, each Episode can feel like the smaller expansions of the past, such as Warmind.

About The Author
Jamie Moorcroft-Sharp
Jamie is a Staff Writer on Destructoid who has been playing video games for the better part of the last three decades. He adores indie titles with unique and interesting mechanics and stories, but is also a sucker for big name franchises, especially if they happen to lean into the horror genre.
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