Back for round two
DELTARUNE IS SO MUCH FUN! We burned through the first chapter last week and dabbled in the second, so tonight we’re seeing where the last of the demo ends with another Deltarune stream.
More chapters will presumably be released with the full game and I absolutely can’t wait. This game legit makes me laugh so hard I cry, the characters are loveable and hilarious, the music is great, the art is super well done. It’s just SO creative, I’m totally hooked.
I hadn’t played Undertale all that much before, but chat’s been telling me they’re very similar games (duh) so if we finish up chapter two tonight I might dig into Undertale to see what that’s all about. So glad you guys recommended me this game! We’ve got some puzzle games we could crack open as well. See you tonight!
Drop by Destructoid’s Twitch channel every Friday starting at 9:00 p.m. Eastern to join us.
Miss last week’s stream? Catch the video-on-demand for Deltarune chapter one.
Published: Oct 2, 2021 1:00 AM UTC