Could you have earned these GoldenEye XBLA achievements?

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I have been privy to some rather interesting game-related things this morning, not least this particular little gem. Passed on by a personally trusted source who I shall refer to only as Mr. Chips, here is a list of what may or may not be achievements for GoldenEye 007 on Xbox Live Arcade.

Bear in mind that this is no proof the game is still in the works. In fact, Rare’s official line is that, whether the game was in development or not, it currently is doing absolutely nothing with the IP. Also, while Mr. Chips has shown me plenty of photographs and diagrams of these achievements, there is no official way of confirming that they are definitely related to GoldenEye

What we do know is that the achievements absolutely exist, are Bond-flavored, and are in line with Xbox Live Arcade’s Gamerscore policy, amounting to a total of 200 Gamerpoints. From that, you may draw your own conclusion. Could it be GoldenEye? Or could it be something else from Rare’s back catalog, like Perfect Dark 64? The studio is known for throwing some red herrings around, the Bond-themed names could be just that.

Take a look at these achievements (beyond the jump) and let us know if you could earn them all, had the game come out.

Q-Branch (20 GP)
Unlock a cheat – beat the target time on any level
00 Agent (25 GP)
Complete the game on Secret Agent Difficulty
Bullet Proof (5 GP)
Complete a level having collected all the body armour
Sprinter (30 GP)
Complete the game from start to finish in less than an hour
Slapper (10 GP)
Complete a level without firing a shot and having killed 5 guards
Agent (5 GP)
Complete a level on any difficulty
Bullet Shy (20 GP)
Complete a level without getting hit.
Secret Agent (15 GP)
Complete the game on Agent difficulty
License to Kill (10 GP)
Complete any level having killed more than 50 guards.
Dual Wield (5 GP)
Dual wield any weapon.
Munitions Expert (15 GP)
Complete a level having hit enemies with more than 300 shots.
007 (40 GP)
Complete the game on 00 Agent difficulty.

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