Welcome to the Thunderdome
Back when consumers were more willing to put money toward projects on Kickstarter, FTL: Faster Than Light was one of the first big indie videogame success stories on the crowdfunding platform. It set a modest goal of $10,000 and smashed that with over $200,000 pledged. Convoy shows a lot of similarities: tactical combat, hard-outlined pixel art, and a science fiction setting. It even assumes the not-quite-real FTL genre descriptor of “roguelike-like.”
Where Convoy differs is that instead of flying through space, the player is driving through a Mad Max-esque desert wasteland, and instead of early 2012 it is now late 2014. With a goal of €10,000, the project shares a numerical similarity with its cited influence, though these days it will not see 2000% funding. Still, it passed the base goal earlier today (after only a week into the campaign), so it is on track to take on its stretch goals, including a built-in scenario editor.
Looks neat, and it’s already a crowdfunding success. Convoy is expected to release in February.
Published: Nov 7, 2014 01:30 pm