Abandon Interactive’s Freaky Creatures will certainly be a different type of MMO. Essentially, you build a monster (with billions of different variations) and fight it against other players’ monsters. In the process of the fighting you’ll be not only increasing its battle prowess but working towards the next set of upgrades for it.
We currently have 15 beta invites to give out, but here’s the deal, you’ll have to enter into a little contest for the possibility to win. It’s simple. In the gallery you’ll notice four different Freaky Creatures figurines. Simply Photoshop one of the creatures into a background or situation that makes us laugh. You can use whatever background you like, including MS Paint if you so desire.
Whenever you’re finished, simply post your picture in the comments below. The only catch is that you must keep it clean. That means no boobs, speculums, or other phallic objects. The contest ends on Monday, December 8th. That means you have a little under a week to impress us with your designs. What are you waiting for? Get on it!
Published: Dec 3, 2008 02:38 pm