One disc/cartridge for all
6 games. 5 heroes. 2 series. 1 cartridge or disc.
Grab Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection at retail for Switch, PS4, or XB1 in North America starting January 21st, 2020, and get all six games plus Z Chaser with no additional downloads required!
— Mega Man (@MegaMan) September 13, 2019
Rejoice, for Capcom has heard your pleas! The company confirmed today that the upcoming Mega Man Zero/ZX Legacy Collection will not require an additional download should you buy a physical copy. This comes after complaints with Capcom’s previous Mega Man compilations, Legacy Collection 1 and 2 and X Legacy Collection 1 and 2. Regardless of platform, both came with a download code for their second half, completely defeating the purpose of getting a boxed copy.
Either to make amends or because this collection is small enough, Zero/ZX Legacy Collection will be contained entirely on one disc or cartridge. That’s a huge relief, especially for collectors. I’ll never understand the decision to split up the past offerings, especially since half of the collection will become lost once Capcom’s servers shut down. At least that won’t be happening with this one.
Mega Man [Twitter]
Published: Sep 13, 2019 11:00 PM UTC