Bomb Monkey, Renegade Kid’s follow-up to the stellar Mutant Mudds, has been shrouded in secrecy since its original announcement. So shrouded, in fact, that Jonathan Holmes was forced on pain of DEATH to not film any gameplay during his hands-on time at PAX East. Kidding, but not really.
Behold, the first look at the game in action! This may be one of the first, if not the first, 3DS game to be played book style. Many vanilla DS titles required the handheld to be held on its side, but the asymmetry of the 3DS screens was thought to have made that layout much to awkward for future implementation. I suppose this also means Bomb Monkey doesn’t make heavy use of the 3D function. On the plus side, versus and co-op play is possible on a single device!
Bomb Monkey is still scheduled for release on eShop later this year. Anyone got a hankering for explosive monkey puzzle action?
Published: Jun 15, 2012 11:00 pm