Compared to Liberty Falls and Terminus, Citadelle des Morts may seem daunting at first, with its multitude of objects to collect. But fear not; with the right guidance, this challenging venture can become a manageable task.
If you’re ready to conquer the Citadelle des Morts Main Quest Easter Egg, here’s your roadmap to victory in Black Ops 6 Zombies.
Table of contents
How to complete Citadelle des Morts Main Quest in BO6 Zombies
The first phase of the Citadelle des Morts Main Quest should be easy, as the game provides you with a guided mission. However, it doesn’t tell you that you must speak to Krafft, who will be in the room behind the Quick Revive machine.

It’s crucial to do this step and unlock the Pack-a-Punch machine since they’re prerequisites for the later tasks. To knock out the prerequisite quests, here’s what you need to do:
- Open the gates to the castle
- Use the cannon to open the castle door
- Defeat the Doppelghast and pick up the crystal from its corpse
- Use the crystal to activate the Pack-a-Punch machine
- Speak to Krafft in the Quick Revive room
As long as you follow the star waypoints, you should achieve the initial phase within the first six rounds (less if you’re lucky). Then, you’ll move on to the most essential part of the quest: obtain all mission items and the elemental swords to trigger the boss fight. Unlike the first phase, most objects can be picked up in any order. You can even grab multiple items in a single round if you leave a few zombies alive. On the other hand, the Mystic Orb and Guardian Key will need to be saved for last. For a quick overview, check out this list of essential items you need to complete BO6 Zombies’ Citadelle des Morts Main Quest:
- 4 elemental swords:
- 4 Page Fragments (Complete the puzzle)
- 4 Ritual Items:
- Otto’s Horseshoe (turns into Pegasus’ Horseshoe)
- Ra’s Ankh
- Raven’s Talon
- Paladin’s Brooch
- 4 Incantations (Use the Ritual Items to obtain):
- Dark Incantation (Raven Sword)
- Light Incantation (Lion Sword)
- Electric Incantation (Stag Sword)
- Dragon Incantation (Dragon Sword)
- Mystic Orb: Unlocks after you’ve used Incantations on Knight statues
- Guardian Key: Complete the sword trials after acquiring Mystic Orb
To save you the most time, I recommend collecting the Ritual Items and elemental swords simultaneously. You can also work on the Incantations and the Page Fragments challenge when you can. It’s easier said than done, but I’ll go more in-detail about each mission item.
How to get Page Fragments and complete Trap puzzle in BO6 Zombies
You can start on the Page Fragments task after speaking to Krafft. They’ll appear in the Sitting Room (the same place as Stamin-Up). There are 12 potential spots you can search for in this room:
- Bunk bed
- On top of desk
- On top of crates
- On the ground near the same crates
- The wall with the rope
- On top of two TVs
- On top of the singular TV
- In the corner near the wall opening to Alchemical Lab
- The wall near the doorway to the Undercroft
- On a couch
- On a small table
- Wall with a vase
Look around for the pages, which will be marked with a red symbol. These symbols correlate to a puzzle deep in the Undercroft.

Once you’ve obtained four Page Fragments, head to the Undercroft (lower level with Pack-a-Punch and Quick Revive). Punch the wall that has a blue light shining from it, using the Melee Macchiato Perk.

You’ll see various symbols that must be shot in a specific order. To find out the right combination, go to the Tavern near spawn, and look for Potion Vials in these locations:
- Vial I (1): Bar counter
- Vial II (2): Table near Arsenal machine
- Vial III (3): Top-right corner of the room, on top of a table
- Vial IV (4): Shelf near pool table (second floor)
- Vial V (5): Table across fom Vial II
- Vial VI (6): Table near the doorway on the left side
Interact with each Potion Vial to produce a unique symbol on the bottle. It’ll be different each playthrough, so try to mark it down in the correct order.

Return to the Undercroft and shoot the same symbols with the right combination. Keep in mind that the blocks will shift around every time you shoot one. It’ll make things more challenging, so you may want to use Aether Shroud or the Idle Eyes GobbleGum to make yourself invisible to zombies temporarily.
If you’ve completed the puzzle successfully, a hidden part of the wall will appear. Place down the Page Fragments in the book. You’ll see a symbol with one eye, one eye with eyelashes, eye with eight spikes (looks like a sun), and an eye with four spikes. The symbols will mix and match every playthrough, but the page order will remain the same. Here’s what order you can note down:
- Symbol on the top-left corner of the book
- Symbol on the bottom-left corner of the book
- Symbol on the top-right corner of the book
- Symbol on the bottom-right corner of the book
You can also use this image as a guide (my symbols will probably be different from yours):

Find these symbols on Point of Power Traps and activate them in order. They’ll have an outline of each Page Fragment symbol on them, indicating that they can be used for the book puzzle. You can ignore the ones that have a circular outline around the trap, as they will not be tied to the puzzle.

Activate the trap and stick around its radius until you farm enough zombie kills (usually goes up to 1,600 points). Since the traps require money, I like using this time to collect the elemental swords and Ritual items to get more cash. Complete all four traps and Krafft will notify you when you’ve done things correctly.
How to unlock all elemental swords in BO6 Zombies
You can start crafting the elemental swords by Round 10, where you can pick up a Stamp from a zombie with bucket/knights helmet. Use the Stamp and approach one of the knight statues in the same room as the Vulture Aid Perk (F1 coordinates).

You’ll recieve the base version, also known as “Bastard,” for the elemental sword first. To upgrade each sword in BO6 Zombies, complete these steps:
Elemental Swords | How to get them |
Dragon Sword | Place the Dragon Bastard Sword in the Dragon Statue near Jugger-Nog. Travel to any of the three braziers (fire pits) at F4, E7, and F7 coordinates. Pick up a flame from the brazier and return to the Dragon Statue quickly. Punch any zombies in your path to gain back health. Grab another flame and return to the statue two more times. |
Raven Sword | Go the in the Alchemical Lab at E1 coordinates. Grab an Antiquity: Rock with scorpion, rock with fish, horn, two raven skulls, or a jaw (spawns a random each match). Place the Antiquity and Raven Bastard Sword in the circular structure at the Tavern (E6 coordinates). Enter the correct zodiac and elemental sign combination (more on this below). Then, guide the orbs to fill up three portals on the ground. Return to circular structure to collect upgraded sword. |
Lion Sword | After you pick up the Bastard Lion Sword, four glowing bugs will spawn. Guide them over to a door near Speed Cola at G5 coordinates. Equip your sword and bring one bug down with it. Hit the door with the lion handle to produce an illuminating symbol. Repeat this step one-by-one with the other bugs until four symbols appear on the door. Open it and place the sword on the pedestal. Match the symbols on the pedestal by shooting the same icons on the wall. |
Stag Sword | Collect the three Lightning Rods. While one can be found near the Deadshot Daquiri machine, the other will be inside an Armored Zombie at the Pack-a-Punch area. You can then shoot an electrical box with the Dead Wire Ammo Mod for the last rod at G5 coordinates (near Speed Cola). Place the three rods on the mechanism at D4 coordinates. Equip your Bastard Stag Sword and stick around the storm area. Wait until your sword lights up with electricity and hit the mechanism. Repeat this step two more times, then place your sword inside the structure for the upgrade. |
The Raven Sword is a bit more complicated than the others, so here’s what you can expect for each Antiquity:
Antiquities | Antiquity Locations in Alchemical Lab | Antiquity Zodiac and Elemental Sign Solutions |
Horn | On a shelf on the bottom-right corner, next to the table with the colorful elemental signs | ![]() Aries (♈︎) + Fire (🜂) |
Two raven skulls | On a bookshelf in the top-left corner | ![]() Gemini (♊︎) + Air (🜁) |
Rock with fish | On the shelf in the top-right corner | ![]() Pisces (♓︎) + Water (🜄) |
Rock with scorpion | On the table in between the rock with fish and horn locations (right side of room) | ![]() Scorpio (♏︎) + Water (🜄) |
Jaw | On the same bookshelf as the two raven skulls, in the top-left corner | ![]() Leo (♌︎) + Fire (🜂) |
After you’ve collected each sword, you can attach Incantation buffs to them using the Ritual items.
All Ritual Item locations in BO6 Zombies
You can get all the Ritual Items fairly quickly if you’ve unlocked most of the main doorways on the map. However, be warned that quitting and saving can cause it to disappear. Therefore, you may want to do this step in one go.
Ritual Items | How to get them |
Otto’s Horseshoe/Pegasus’ Horseshoe | Shoot down the horseshoe on the wall at the barn (near Deadshot Daquiri). Then, launch yourself from the cannon. Look above to find a storm cloud and pick up the Pegasus’ Horseshoe below it. |
Ra’s Ankh | Throw three Molotov Cocktails at three wooden piles. Each one will be on the cannon’s main pathway. Locate a wood pile on the left side of the castle, then another at the center front of the castle. The last one can be found in the distance if you look by the oil barrels on the right side. Eliminate the Doppelghast to acquire the Ritual Item. |
Raven’s Talon | Use the Cave Slide near Pack-a-Punch machine and shoot the raven at the end. Exit the tunnel and shoot the raven again in the sky. |
Paladin’s Brooch | Shoot the red crystals in the Knights room to shine a beam of light to Alchemical Lab. Shoot the two crystals in the lab to direct the light to the small statue on the table (on the bottom-right). |
The Ritual Items can be used to make Incantations for the swords. Search for yellow circles around the map to place them down, and upgrade it by eliminating a certain amount of zombies near it.

When you farm enough zombies, a chest will appear. Equip the corresponding sword and melee the box to pick up the Incantation inside. Here’s where you can find them:
- Dark Incantation (Raven Sword): The Undercroft
- Light Incantation (Lion Sword): Knights room
- Electric Incantation (Stag Sword): Spawn area
- Dragon Incantation (Dragon Sword): In front of the castle to the right
Every time you pick up the Incantation, a new chest can be found in the Knights room. That way, you don’t have to travel so far to claim them again. It’ll also come in handy for the Mystic Orb task, one of the last steps of BO6 Zombies‘ Citadelle des Morts Main Quest.
How to unlock Mystic Orb in BO6 Zombies
To unlock the Mystic Orb in BO6 Zombies, you need to complete the previous steps involving the Page Fragments, elemental swords, Ritual Items, and Incantations. After completing these objectives, you’ll find a new piece of artwork displaying the sword icons in the hallway to the Undercroft. It’ll be near the Sitting Room with Stamin-Up. Keep in mind that the order changes every playthrough, so mine will look different from yours:

Note down the order you have and go to the Knights room. Perform the following steps:
- Approach the correct statue in your distinct order
- Use the Incantation (Tactical interaction)
- Perform a Weapon Inspect once it glows (Emote interaction)
- Wait for the Knight to produce a yellow glowing light
- Switch out your sword and Incantation for the next one
- Repeat the steps above three more times with the other statues
Remember to use the Incantation boxes in the Knights room to reduce the need for travel. It’ll appear there after you’ve sliced the chest from the Ritual Item circles.

You’ll know when you’ve done things correctly when the statue produces a yellow glow.

Continue to do this step until all four statues illuminate. In return, the Mystic Orb will spawn at the center.

How to get Guardian Key in BO6 Zombies
You must use the Mystic Orb and participate in four sword trials to get the Guardian Key. To start the trials, you must place the orbs around the same area as the Ritual Item upgrades. Go to these places (do this in any order):
- Dragon Sword challenge: In front of the castle on the left side
- Lion Sword challenge: Across from Vulture Aid Perk machine
- Raven Sword challenge: Undercroft
- Stag Sword challenge: Spawn
Once you’ve placed the Mystic Orb, you must use the corresponding element during the challenge. So, if you are participating in the Dragon Sword challenge, you’ll need to get fire kills using the designated sword, the Incantation, or any other explosive devices. It works the same as the Ritual Item Incantation step, farming souls from zombie kills.
The Lion Sword challenge is the only exception, as this one doesn’t require you to use its distinct element. Instead, you’ll need to stand in the spawned green orbs and wait until a smaller orb spouts out of it. Fill up the Mystic Orb with these orbs (souls) and pick it up once it’s ready.

Ensure to fill up the Mystic Orb four times and return to the area with the sword order artwork at D1 coordinates. Interact with the wall to place the Mystic Orb, thus providing you with the Guardian Key. If you’re still having trouble finding any of the orb locations, I’ll show you where to place each of them:
Dragon Sword trial location

Lion Sword trial location

Raven Sword trial location

Stag Sword trial location

How to defeat Citadelle des Morts final boss in BO6 Zombies
Before you start the Final Encounter, it’s crucial to make some preparations. Acquire as many useful Perk Colas as you can, including Jugger-Nog, Quick Revive, Speed Cola, Deadshot Daquiri, and Stamin-Up. It’s also an excellent idea to Pack-a-Punch your weapon to Level 3 and get it to Legendary rarity with the Arsenal machine.
Weapons, like the Ray Gun and Mustang and Sally build, are pretty good picks for the upcoming fight. I also suggest bringing along anything that makes you invisible to zombies temporarily. This includes the Idle Eyes GobbleGum and the Aether Shroud. It’ll help you get the zombies off your back, so you can focus on the enemy ahead. Additionally, Mutant Injection can be a game-changer for the boss’ last stage.
When you’re ready to begin the boss fight, go to the statue at spawn and approach it to place the Guardian key.

The Citadelle des Morts boss fight features three phases:
Stages | What to Expect |
Stage 1 | Watch out for the Guardian’s hammer slams and try to get rid of its armor. Shoot the glowing spots on the foe to deal considerable damage. Get rid of zombeis to replenish armor and bullets. |
Stage 2 | Guardian goes to center of the stage and strikes down its weapon. It will be immune during this time, so focus on killing the zombies. The boss will then stand back up and start attacking you again. A red vision will appear in your line of sight, indicating that it’s about to attack. Try to run away as quick as possible and continue to attack its critical spots. Also, watch out for its molting lava strikes. |
Stage 3 | Guardian reduces the size of the battle arena to make things more challenging. Stay from the outer edges of the stage to avoid the lava. Use any of your invisibility-based items and Mutant Injection to deal as much damage as possible. |
Defeating the Guardian boss in BO6 Zombies grants you 5,000 XP, the Jackknife Operator Skin, and Calling Card. It’ll also give you an exclusive cutscene, similar to Maya’s secret storyline with the Morse code puzzle.
Published: Dec 13, 2024 2:35 PM UTC