In a maneuver which is bound to surprise some people, Bethesda has decided to no longer pursue an appeal in their case against Interplay over claimed breaches of contract in regards to licensing the Fallout franchise. The appeal was for an injunction to prevent Interplay from continuing to use the license which Bethesda bought back in 2007, which would effectively kill the former’s development on a Fallout MMO, rumored to be codenamed “Project V13.”
According to information Duck and Cover received from an Interplay stockholder, an agreement has been reached between the two parties and Bethesda has dropped its appeal. We can probably expect to hear that Interplay has dropped its countersuit soon.
Hopefully, this means that everything is all cleared up and we might hear something about Project V13 soon, instead of all of this legal crap surrounding it.
Bethesda drops appeal, Fallout MMO moves ahead! [Duck and Cover]
Published: Apr 22, 2010 6:00 PM UTC