Deadlock Grey Talon
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Best Grey Talon build in Deadlock

How to build out your favorite archer.

Putting a build together in Deadlock can be a daunting task. Not only do you need to worry about your abilities, but there’s also a ton of items you need to sift through to find what works best for your character.

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This is made easier by Valve offering a default build for every character, but you can ultimately do much better than that. Here’s the best build for Grey Talon in Deadlock.

The best items and level order for Grey Talon in Deadlock

Grey Talon’s power is based mostly around a barrage of Bullet Damage combined with a metric ton of Spirit damage. As such, we want to focus the build around mixing these two things together so that, while you aren’t doing an insane amount of one or the other, you’re doing more than enough to pepper your targets. With all this in mind, we want the following items:

Early Game

Deadlock Grey Talon Build
Image via Destructoid.
  • Headshot Booster
  • High-Velocity Mag
  • Hollow Point Ward
  • Rapid Rounds
  • Enduring Spirit
  • Extra Stamina
  • Extra Charge
  • Extra Spirit
  • Mystic Burst

This first set of items should be bought based on your needs. If you’re having trouble holding the lane, snagging Enduring Spirit and Extra Stamina should be first. If you want to push much harder and feel you can’t confidently kill the other laners, snagging the first four items above should be priority. If you’re feeling quite strong and think you can score kills more easily, the last three items should be focused. Otherwise, just ensure you snag all these items first.

Mid Game

  • Long Range
  • Combat Barrier OR Enchanter’s Barrier
  • Spirit Lifesteal
  • Improved Cooldown
  • Mystic Vulnerability

The Barrier should be chosen based on whatever you’re up against. For example, Enchanter’s Barrier is incredibly strong against Bebop since it can tank his entire combo if you get hooked. Otherwise, picking the remaining items from top to bottom is fine.

Late Game

  • Sharpshooter
  • Superior Stamina
  • Improved Burst
  • Improved Spirit
  • Rapid Recharge
  • Superior Cooldown
  • Knockdown

These items can mostly be bought from top to bottom, though you can buy Sharpshooter later if you feel you aren’t doing as much Bullet Damage. Otherwise, these items are mostly upgrades of other items you’ve already purchased.

Very Late Game

  • Crippling Headshot
  • Lucky Shot
  • Boundless Spirit
  • Escalating Exposure

For this category, all you need to worry about realistically is selling Headshot Booster and Hollow Point Ward for Crippling Headshot and Lucky Shot respectively. Otherwise, this should finish off the build nicely.

What should you do for Grey Talon’s ability order?

When it comes to Grey Talon’s ability order, things are mostly straightforward. You’ll want to take his Charged Shot first, followed by his Immobilizing Trap, Rain of Arrows, and of course his ultimate Guided Owl. As for maxing out each ability, maxing out Charged Shot, then Guided Owl, Immobilizing Trap, and finally Rain of Arrows is best.

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Image of Shawn Robinson
Shawn Robinson
Shawn is a freelance writer at Destructoid who's been here and there in the industry for around five years now. His immense (and sometimes scary) level of knowledge in games helps him know the most about the titles he writes about. If he's not writing, he's probably gaming, and gaming some more.