Love them or hate them, there’s no denying that achievement points have become a big feather in the Xbox 360’s cap, as well as an extra selling point for its games. I won’t deny that the allure of achievements and a little pat on the back for performing mundane tasks is enough to make me find more value in a 360 game, and it seems that the PlayStation 3 is well aware of the issue. Resistance: Fall of Man included Skill Points, and Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune followed the trend of offering an achievement-based system with trophies, and now the Blu-ray version of Dark Sector is set to have its own brand, called “entitlements.”
Amounting to 700 arbitrary points, these will provide PS3 fans with a mirror of the achievements in the 360 version and are a Dark Sector exclusive (i.e, other PS3 games won’t use entitlements). Of course, with no universal gamerscore to add to, I wonder if this will be viewed as anything of value, or if there are some extra benefits to winning these entitlements. Just what do they entitle you to? It’s a cool move to make the two versions seem equal, but in the race to award meaningless points, the 360 still has more meaningful meaningless.
Either way, whether you want to achieve or be entitled, you can hit the jump for the full list of awards available in Dark Sector.
Level Completion (300 points)
- Name: Prologue
- Description: Completed Chapter 1
- Achievement Parameter: Complete Chapter 1
- Score: 10
- Name: Exposure
- Description: Completed Chapter 2
- Achievement Parameter: Complete Chapter 2
- Score: 10
- Name: Baggage Claim
- Description: Completed Chapter 3
- Achievement Parameter: Complete Chapter 3
- Score: 10
- Name: Moths To The Flame
- Description: Completed Chapter 4
- Achievement Parameter: Complete Chapter 4
- Score: 10
- Name: The Shipment
- Description: Completed Chapter 5
- Achievement Parameter: Complete Chapter 5
- Score: 10
- Name: The Bait
- Description: Completed Chapter 6
- Achievement Parameter: Complete Chapter 6
- Score: 10
- Name: Industrial Evolution
- Description: Completed Chapter 7
- Achievement Parameter: Complete Chapter 7
- Score: 10
- Name: Unnatural History
- Description: Completed Chapter 8
- Achievement Parameter: Complete Chapter 8
- Score: 10
- Name: Threshold Guardian
- Description: Completed Chapter 9
- Achievement Parameter: Complete Chapter 9
- Score: 10
- Name: The Dark Sector
- Description: Completed the game
- Achievement Parameter: Complete the game
- Score: 100
- Name: Dark Sector – Brutal Difficulty
- Description: Completed the Game on Brutal Difficulty Achievement Parameter: Complete
- the Game on Brutal Difficulty
- Score: 110
Combat (200 points)
- Name: Headhunter
- Description: Decapitated 30 enemies
- Achievement Parameter: Decapitate 30 enemies
- Score: 10
- Name: Incinerator
- Description: Incinerated 30 enemies
- Achievement Parameter: Incinerate 30 enemies
- Score: 10
- Name: Electrician
- Description: Electrocuted 30 enemies
- Achievement Parameter: Electrocute 30 enemies
- Score: 10
- Name: Jack Frost
- Description: Killed 30 frozen enemies.
- Achievement Parameter: Kill 30 frozen enemies
- Score: 10
- Name: Finesse
- Description: 30 Aftertouch kills
- Achievement Parameter: Kill 30 enemies with Aftertouch
- Score: 40
- Name: Hardball
- Description: 30 Power-throw kills
- Achievement Parameter: Kill 30 enemies with Power-throw
- Score: 35
- Name: Sharpshooter
- Description: 30 Headshots
- Achievement Parameter: Get 30 headshots
- Score: 10
- Name: Glaive Master
- Description: Completed a level by only using the Glaive Achievement Parameter:
- Complete a level by only using the Glaive
- Score: 10
- Name: The Finisher
- Description: Performed 30 finishers
- Achievement Parameter: Perform 30 finishers
- Score: 10
- Name: Double Decap Latte
- Description: Two decapitations in one shot Achievement Parameter: Get two decapitations
- in one shot
- Score: 15
- Name: Jack the Jackal
- Description: Took the Jackal for a ride
- Achievement Parameter: Take the Jackal for a ride
- Score: 35
- Name: Skeet Shooter
- Description: Shot 10 projectiles in mid-flight.
- Achievement Parameter: Shoot 10 projectiles in mid-flight
- Score: 10
- Name: Weaponsmith
- Description: Applied 5 upgrades in the market Achievement Parameter: Apply 5
- upgrades in the market
- Score: 10
- Name: Greed
- Description: Collected over 50,000 rubles Achievement Parameter: Collect over
- 50,000 rubles
- Score: 10
- Name: Researcher
- Description: Collected 10 weapon upgrades Achievement Parameter: Collect 10 weapon
- upgrades
- Score: 10
- Name: Master Researcher
- Description: Collected all the weapon upgrades Achievement Parameter: Collect
- all the weapon upgrades
- Score: 15
- Name: Rebound
- Description: Killed an enemy with a reflected projectile Achievement Parameter:
- Kill an enemy with a reflected projectile
- Score: 15
- Name: Ghost
- Description: Used cloaking to get a finisher Achievement Parameter: Use cloaking
- to get a finisher
- Score: 35
Multiplayer (200 points)
- Name: Glory
- Description: Finished best overall in a ranked match (Multiplayer) Achievement
- Parameter: Finish best overall in a ranked match (Multiplayer)
- Score: 30
- Name: Veteran
- Description: Scored 500 points (Multiplayer) Achievement Parameter Score 500
- points (Multiplayer)
- Score: 30
- Name: Hero
- Description: Scored 5000 points (Multiplayer) Achievement Parameter: Score 5000
- points (Multiplayer)
- Score: 40
- Name: Champion
- Description: Best overall in a ranked team game (Multiplayer) Achievement Parameter:
- Finish best overall in a ranked team game (Multiplayer)
- Score: 30
- Name: Comrade
- Description: Scored 500 points in ranked team games (Multiplayer) Achievement
- Parameter: Score 500 points in ranked team games (Multiplayer)
- Score: 30
- Name: Hero of the people
- Description: Scored 5000 points in ranked team games (Multiplayer) Achievement
- Parameter: Score 5000 points in ranked team games (Multiplayer)
- Score: 40
Published: Mar 6, 2008 3:53 PM UTC