Memorize the symbols for an easier time raiding
Raids are back from the prior Pokemon generation, and they’re a bit reworked in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. The raid battle mechanics are altered, and they’re called “Tera Raids” now, after the new mechanic’s namesake. When battling these raids you’ll be able to pick up specific types of Tera types, which can completely change the loadout and efficacy of your team. Here’s how to make sense of it all.

What do the Tera Raid map symbols mean?
Although the game doesn’t properly explain it, Tera Raid map symbols are indicated by seals, denoting various types of Pokemon (like fire, grass, and water).
These symbols showcase where you can find Tera Raid battles on the world map: so if you head to one (or mark it on your map as a destination), you can queue into a raid battle either offline or online, and take on the creature within (to capture or defeat for bonus items/XP). Glowing/flashing symbols indicate higher-star raids, including the Charizard event shortly after the game’s launch.

When you encounter the Pokemon corresponding to a specific Tera Raid symbol, they will appear as that in battle. That means if you go up against this Weavile in our screenshot, it will only have the attributes of a Dark type.
During its Tera form, a Pokemon can only have one type. Since the Weavile in our example is a Dark type, it loses out on the ice aspect. It is no longer weak to Fire, Rock, or Steel. It will still be weak to Fighting but reduced, along with fairy types. This can be a benefit or a downside depending on the situation.

The Tera Raid symbols in Scarlet and Violet don’t necessarily have to correspond to a Pokemon’s standard type either. For example, this Tera Raid Gengar has a Normal-type Tera Form, meaning it now inherits the properties of Normal-type Pokemon.
It’ll still keep its Cursed Body ability, but it’s now susceptible to Fighting-type moves and unaffected by Ghost-type moves.
So, before you go into a Tera Raid battle knowing the silhouette of the Pokemon, you should make note of the symbols as they can completely change the way the battle goes.

This includes when searching for a Tera Raid battle via the Poke Portal. First, take a look at the Pokemon’s silhouette.
Going back to the Gengar example, you’ll have a fairly good idea of what to expect when you battle it.
Though it’ll have Normal-type properties, it’ll still have moves that a normal Gengar does. Because of it possibly having Ghost-type and Poison-type moves, you’ll ideally want to bring Pokemon that are resistant to or unaffected by these to stay alive. You’ll also want to bring those who can exploit the defensive weaknesses against the Tera Raid mons.
A full list of all Tera Raid map symbols
Compliments to ShadowFlame 11 on Reddit, you can find a full list of symbols below. Note that these are the exact symbols the game uses on the in-game map when looking for Tera Raids.
While many of them are straightforward, it can be tough to recall all of the different types at any given moment. Try to memorize them while you consult the chart for now. If we had to vote for “oddest symbol,” it would probably go to ground, but we can see how any given person would find the combination of ground, rock, and steel confusing.
There’s a lot of preparation when it comes to battling the Tera Raid Pokemon, but the payout is well worth it. Especially in the harder battles (5-star and up), the NPCs you choose instead of online randoms can start to falter.
Hopefully, with our Tera Raid type guide, you can have a better understanding of how these battles work so you won’t end up missing a specific mon you want. These do rotate out now and then, so prepare and plan to create the ultimate team.
Published: Nov 1, 2024 09:33 am