Omicron quest giver Stigma-4
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All Omicron Tribal Quests in FFXIV

Even mechanical beings have a heart

The second Tribe in Endwalker, added in patch 6.25, is the Omicrons, and they’re a Tribe for gatherers. Here’s what you need to know about all of the ranking up quests, how to access them and the rewards on offer. 

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Ranking up with the Omicron

You need to reach maximum rank (Bloodsworn) with not only the Omicrons but also the Loporrits and the Arkasodara in order to unlock the Endwalker Tribal Alliance quests coming in patch 6.55. 

In order to increase your rank with the Omicrons, you’ll have to do three quests per day with them to earn your reputation. Daily quests reset at 3 pm GMT / 10 am EST / 7 am PST. To pick up your daily quests, talk to Stigma-4 (X27.8 Y24.5) in Ultima Thule. All of these quests are level 80. 

It’s worth noting that once you max out a rank, you’ll have the opportunity to do three more quests, even if you’ve already completed three that day. On this note, if handing in two quests will max out your rank, save the third quest until after you’ve done the ranking up quest, as it will be wasted if you hand it in before. 

To check your reputation, open your character profile and click Reputation, selecting Endwalker from the drop-down menu on the right. 

Friendly – The Café at the End of the Universe

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This first quest unlocks the Omicron Tribe. For more information, you can head over to our other article on the subject, but here’s a brief recap of what you need to do. 

Before you can unlock the Omicrons Tribal Quests, you must have:

  • At least one level 80 Disciple of the Land class
  • Completed the Main Scenario Quest called “Endwalker”
  • Completed the side quest titled “Where No Lopporit Has Gone Before,” which can be picked up by talking to Jammingway (X11 Y13.8) in Old Sharlayan

Once all of these requirements are met, head to Ultima Thule and find Jammingway (X25.4 Y26.3). Pick up “The Café at the End of the Universe” and follow the steps provided. 

It’s not too difficult, but it does vary slightly depending on which class you’ve chosen. Each class must gather a different item in order to progress:

  • Botanist – Three Prime Alien Onions
  • Miner – Three Wild Liverwort
  • Fisher – One Soggy Alien Kelp

Once you’ve taken your gathered items to N-7000 at The Last Dregs and spoken to them a few more times in a variety of locations, you’ll have access to Omicron daily Tribal Quests.

Here are the rewards for completing this first Omicron Tribal quest:

  • Experience (relative to your level)
  • 1,415 Gil
  • Reputation increased to Friendly
  • “Voices of a Distant Server I” achievement

Trusted – Longing So for All the Fish

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The second quest in the Omicron storyline will introduce you to the adorable Grebuloffs. To unlock this quest, talk to N-7000 (X27.5 Y24.5) in Ultima Thule and pick up “Longing so for All the Fish”. 

Once you’ve gathered information about the Grebuloffs and searched for them, you’ll have to gather something and again, this is dependent on the class with which you’re playing:

  • Botanist – Three Dragonseye Beans
  • Miner – Three Star Sea Salt
  • Fisher – One Stellar Herring

When you’ve gathered your respective items, head over to A-4 Research and talk to N-7000 again, which will complete the quest. 

These are the rewards for completing this quest:

  • Experience (relative to your level)
  • 1,375 Gil
  • Reputation increased to Trusted
  • “Voices of a Distant Server II” achievement
  • N-7000 Triple Triad Card available from N-0598

Respected – And Another Question…

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This third quest in the Omicron quest line involves everyone’s favorite Jellyfish-esque race, the Ea. To pick up this quest, head to A-4 Research and talk to N-7000 (X27.5 Y24.5). 

After some existential crisis and some quick-thinking sales pitches, you’ll have to gather some items. Again, this is dependent on your class. Here’s the list:

  • Botanist – Three Stellar Cumin
  • Miner – Three Stellar Magnesium
  • Fisher – One Meteoric Bonito

These quests follow the same pattern, so once you’ve gathered your items, head for The Last Dregs and hand them over to N-7000. This will trigger a cutscene before you head down to A-4 Research and talk to N-7000 again to complete the quest.

Here are all of the rewards for completing the quest:

  • Experience (relative to your level)
  • 1,295 Gil
  • Reputation increased to Respected
  • Lumini minion available from N-0598

Honored – The Restaurateur’s Guide to the Dragonstar

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The fourth quest in the Omicrons Tribe storyline will have you dealing with the ghostly dragons that inhabit the region and also revisiting familiar dragons in Dravania. To pick up this quest, talk to N-7000 (X27.5 Y24.5) in A-4 Research. 

Once you’ve convinced Vidofnir that some food is the way to the heart, even for a dragon, you’ll need to collect some ingredients. These are found in the area around Anyx Trine and, as I’m sure you’re expecting by now, are dependent on your chosen class:

  • Botanist – Three Sohm Al Blooms
  • Miner – Three Pure Green Quartz
  • Fisher – One Copperscale

Once you’ve got your items in your possession, head back to Ultima Thule and talk to N-7000 at The Last Dregs, giving them your items. After the cutscene which ensues, talk with them again at A-4 Research to complete the quest. 

Here are the rewards you’ll get:

  • Experience (relative to your level)
  • 1,135 Gil
  • Reputation increased to Honored
  • “Voices of a Distant Server III” achievement
  • Dragonstar aux Marrons available from N-0598

Sworn – Mostly Heartless

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The fifth quest in the Omicron storyline will literally have you saving a life if you can call it that. N-7000 has decided that their mission is complete, but is it? To pick up this quest, speak to N-7000 in A-4 Research. 

In order to prevent N-7000 from metaphorically unplugging themself from the mainframe, you’ll need to remind them of what they’d be missing out on. To do this, you’ll have to gather some ingredients for coolant:

  • Botanist – Three Methane Blossoms
  • Miner – Three Methane Eggs
  • Fisher – One Methane Puffer

Once you’ve got the goods, you need to deliver them to Jammingway at The Last Dregs, where you’ll witness a miracle – the forced rebooting of N-7000. After the cutscene, talk to Jammingway again in A-4 Research to complete the quest. 

For completing this quest, you’ll get the following rewards:

  • Experience (relative to your level)
  • 1,335 Gil
  • Reputation increased to Sworn
  • “Fully Caffeinated” achievement
  • “Barista at the End of the Universe” title
  • Miw Miisv Horn available from N-0598

Bloodsworn – Life, the Universe, and Coffee Beans

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The sixth and final quest in the Omicron storyline will see you surveying the customers of The Last Dregs in order to see if they’re happy with the service. To pick up this quest, talk to the recently resurrected N-7000 (X27.5 Y24.5) in A-4 Research. 

Unlike previous quests, you don’t need to gather anything. Simply talk to the customers, receive some feedback and then report your findings to N-7000. After the final cutscene, talk to N-7000 again in A-4 Research to finish the quest and wrap up the Omicrons storyline. 

Here’s what you’ll get for completing this quest:

  • Experience (relative to your level)
  • 975 Gil
  • Reputation increased to Bloodsworn
  • Omicron Framer’s Kit available from N-0598
  • Cradle of Hope Orchestrion Roll available from N-0598

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