Following the bigĀ Destiny 2: The Final Shape DLC reveal, Bungie has made it plainly obvious that there are big changes happening over the next couple of months. One of the most surprising and notable reveals, however, is that there is no new subclass coming with 2024’s big piece ofĀ Destiny content after all. That’s the bad news, then, but there’s good news, too, with the availability of three all-new Light ability Supers.
Indeed, Bungie has opted to look back forĀ The Final Shape, investing more time and effort into the three core Light-based subclasses instead of going all-in on the long-awaited third Darkness subclasses. In practice, this has led to the grand reveal of three new Supers, each bringing something new and exciting to the Guardians’ Light arsenal.
Unexpected Light Supers and abilities coming to Destiny 2
More specifically, each of the three Guardian classes will be privy to one new Light-based Super withĀ The Final Shape:
- Hunters get Storm’s Edge Arc Super
- Titans get Twilight Arsenal Void Super
- Warlocks get Song of Flame Solar Super
Alongside these, Bungie has also provided some insight into a few other support abilities that’ll add extra nuance and flexibility to Supers both new and old.
New Final Shape Hunter Abilities

In The Final Shape, Destiny 2 Hunters will get to channel their inner Arc energies into a powerful electricity-infused dagger that, when thrown, teleports the user to the impacted area. The attack will be a “powerful whirling strike,” according to Bungie, but the really interesting bit is that it seems like Hunters will be able to execute Storm’s Edge up to three times in a single activation.
Hunters are also getting a new Arc Aspect that’ll consume their class ability mid-air to propel them forward, all the while Jolting enemies below them and Amplifying the user and the nearby allies.
New Final Shape Titan Abilities

Titans are going in the opposite direction from The Final Shape‘s Hunter subclass, leaning heavily into Void’s penchant for dishing out damage. The Twilight Arsenal Super has three different features built into it: first, the Void Titan throws three consecutive Void axes to “disintegrate” enemies on hit. Second, once the axes hit the ground, they’ll begin pulling enemies in for area-of-effect damage over time. Finally, players will be able to pick the thrown Void axes up and wield them as Artifact weapons.
The Titans’ new Void Aspect will allow them to consume grenade energy to spawn a mobile Void shield around themselves. Not to be mistaken with a regular Ward of Dawn, this shield can also release all the blocked damage into a powerful blast, knocking enemies down.
New Final Shape Warlock Abilities

Warlock players will gain access to an all-new Solar Super inĀ The Final Shape: Song of Flame. This status-focused Super overcharges the Warlock’s abilities and buffs all of the allies’ equipped Solar weapons with Scorch. The specifics are still unclear on this front, granted, as it does seem like Song of Flame will rely heavily on its interactions with the rest of a Solar Warlock’s kit. In other words, it’s hard to quantify its cool factor and usefulness at this time.
The other piece of new Light kit for Warlocks comes from the new unnamed Solar Aspect, which will create a Solar Soul buddy whenever the class ability is used. A handy tool for those who fancy themselves summoners, if nothing else!
It’s unclear why, exactly, Bungie wouldn’t opt to set up an all-new Darkness set of abilities forĀ The Final Shape, which is supposed to be a monumental finale for the franchise’s Light and Dark saga. Yet, with the infamous Rhulk raid boss getting cloned into Stasis and Strand-infused Subjugator enemies, it’s easy to see why something fresh was needed for the Guardians’ respective combat kits.
Published: Aug 23, 2023 07:39 am