When it comes to cooking recipes in Throne and Liberty, there are plenty to pick from.
Cooking isn’t just a cosmetic activity in the game, and while it’s fun on one hand, it’s highly beneficial on the other. As you start leveling up your character, you’ll be able to unlock and cook more recipes. The recipes that you cook will help you get different buffs and debuffs, and some of these can be extremely crucial in clearing a quest. Without any more delay, let’s take a look at all the cooking recipes available in Throne and Liberty, along with their in-game effects and required ingredients.
All cooking recipes and their effects in Throne and Liberty
Every cooking recipe in Throne and Liberty produces a unique item, and no two are the same. Some of the cooking recipes are easier to manage, as there are fewer required ingredients. Some recipes will only become available as your level goes up inside the game.
Cooking Recipe | Ingredients | Effects (Buffs) |
Aged Salmon | Salt x 3 Red Salmon x 1 | Fishing Mastery Bonus +20% |
Ardent Jelly | Mana Blood x 5 Reaper’s Soul x 1 | Boss Hit +100 Undead Damage Boost +50 Undead Damage Boost Resistance +50 |
Attack Remedy | Quality Rubrix Ore x 3 Quality Natural Essence x 10 Rare Natural Essence x 10 | Damage Boost +20% |
Aurora Seafood Platter | Static Lemon Grass x 1 Clam x 2 Wine x 1 Aurora Starfish x 1 Dolly Varden Trout x 5 Belphoret Bass x 5 Pink Cod x 5 Silver Anchovy x 5 Striped Mackere x 5 Largemouth Bass x 5 Arowana x 3 Amberjack x 3 Lanquis Barracuda x 3 Banded Butterflyfish x 3 Taion Moray Eel x 3 Blacktail Snook x 1 Barracuda x 1 Ballan Wrasse x 1 Imp Catalupa x 1 Pajama Cardinalfish x 1 Fonsine Barracuda x 1 | All Crowd Control Chance +40 All Hit +50 Skill Damage Boost +40 |
Aylmar Feast | Rare Cellana Toreuma Soup x 1 Rare Fried Fan Leaf Squid x 1 Rare Grilled Fish x 1 Rare Marind x 5 Rare Processed Marind x 5 Rare Marind Ore x 5 | Boss Bonus Damage +15 Boss Heavy Attack +40 Boss Critical Hit +70 |
BBQ Platter | Static Onion x 4 Cheese x 2 Corn x 2 Curry Powder x 1 Wolf Meat x 5 Pork x 5 Bird Meat x 3 Bland Meat x 3 Thick Meat x 1 Chewy Meat x 1 Fresh Ingredients x 1 | Bonus Damage +7 Buff Duration +3% |
Canned Salted Fish | Static Lanquis Bass x 5 Black Bream x 5 Flathead Gray Mullet x 5 Blue Filefish x 5 Kahawai x 3 Mahi Mahi x 1 | Cooking Mastery Bonus +20% |
Crab Meat Pie | Static Onion x 4 Salt x 1 Golden Rye x 1 Hermit Crab Tail x 3 Sea Crab Nipper x 1 | Solant Bonus +50% Abyssal Contract Token Efficiency +10% |
Dawn Crab Platter | Static Milk x 1 Saffron x 1 Uncommon Fish Oil x 1 Wine x 1 Hermit Crab Tail x 3 Sea Crab Nipper x 1 | All Evasion +70 Skill Damage +40 All Crowd Control Resistance +40 |
Daybreak Shore Banquet | Rare Dawn Crab Platter x 1 Rare Scorpion Tail Fritters x 1 Rare Golden Apple Pie x 1 Rare Marind x 5 Rare Processed Marind x 5 Rare Marind Ore x 5 | PvP Evasion +120 PvP Endurance +120 |
Defense Remedy | Static Quality Emeret Ore x 3 Quality Natural Essence x 10 Rare Natural Essence x 10 | Damage Taken -20% |
Enticing Cream Pudding | Fermented Rotein x 5 Ant Wing x 1 | Boss Hit +100 Wildkin Bonus Damage +12 Wildkin Damage Reduction +12 |
Fan Fried Fan Leaf Squid | Vegetable Oil x 1 Fan Leaf x 2 Squid x 3 | Damage Reduction +10 Skill Damage Reduction +60 Damage Reduction +10 |
Fish and Seaweed Soup | Static Garlic x 1 Silk Mollusk x 3 Pennant Coralfish x 5 Discus x 5 Heliber Goldfish x 5 Sunspot Rockfish x 5 Luderick x 3 Small-Mouthed Rockfish x 3 Peacock Bass x 1 | Skill Damage Resistance +70 Attack Speed +3% |
Fish Pottage | Static Milk x 1 Garlic x 5 Celery x 1 Pink Cod x 5 Silver Anchovy x 5 Amberjack x 3 Branded Butterflyfish x 3 Taion Moray Eel x 3 Barracuda x 1 Ballan Wrasse x 1 | All Endurance +60 All Heavy Attack Evasion +60 |
Fish Steak | Static Garlic x 5 Basil x 3 Belphoret Bass x 5 Largemouth Bass x 5 Arowana x 3 Fonsine Barracuda x 1 | All Hit +60 Skill Damage Boost +40 |
Forest Goulash | Static Honey x 1 Terror Bird Egg x 4 Basil x 1 Pork x 5 Bird Meat x 3 Thick Meat x 1 Chewy Meat x 1 | All Evasion +50 All Crowd Control Resistance +75 |
Fried Egg | Static Salt x 1 Vegetable Oil x 1 Terror Bird Egg x 5 Egg x 5 Lizard Egg x 3 Sandworm Egg x 1 | Boss Hit +90 Boss Critical Hit +90 |
Golden Apple Pie | Honey x 1 Fruice x 1 Salt x 1 Golden Rye x 1 Golden Apple x 1 | Mastery Bonus +50% Abyssal Contract token Efficiency +10% |
Golden Rye Banquet | Rare White Meat Mortis x 1 Rare Mushroom Stir Fry x 1 Rare Soft Steamed Bird Egg x 1 Rare Marind x 5 Rare Processed Marind x 5 Rare Marind Ore x 5 | Boss Damage Reduction +15 Evasion +60 Endurance +60 |
Grilled Crown Fish | Static Saffron x 1 Salt x 1 Dolly Varen Trout x 5 Belphoret Bass x 5 Largemouth Bass x 5 Arowana x 3 Lanquis Barracuda x 3 Imp Catalupa x 1 Pajama Cardinalfish x 1 Fonsine Barracuda x 1 | Bonus Damage +7 Skill Damage Boost +50 |
Grilled Fish | Static Horse Mackerel x 5 Rainbow Ray-Finned Fish x 5 Bluegill x 5 Stripped Crimson Seabream x 5 Mackerel x 3 Lanquis Carp x 1 | PvP Hit +100 All Crowd Control Resistance +75 |
Healthy Milk | Rotein x 1 Milk x 5 | Mana Recovery +500 p/s |
Herb-Marinaded Chicken Drumstick | Shitake Mushroom x 1 Salt x 1 Bird Meat x 3 | All Critical Hit +60 All Heavy Attack Chance +60 |
Herba Banquet | Rare Mushroom Stew x 1 Rare Wild Grape Pie x 1 Rare Shark Crab Soup x 1 Rare Marind x 5 Rare Processed Marind x 5 Rare Marind Ore x 5 | Boss Damage Reduction +15 All Evasion +70 All Endurance +70 |
Honey Rye Cookie | Honey x 1 Salt x 1 Golden Rye x 5 | Health Recovery +500 p/s |
Honey Sponge Cake | Healthy Milk x 1 Honey Rye Cookies x 1 | Health Recovery +500 p/s Mana Recovery +500 p/s |
Kastler Banquet | Rare BBQ Platter x 1 Rare Quarba Omelet x 1 Rare Kastler Salad x 1 Rare Marind x 5 Rare Processed Marind x 5 Rare Marind Ore x 5 | Boss Bonus Damage +15 Hit +60 Critical Hit +60 |
Kastler Salad | Static Salt x 1 Vegetable Oil x 1 Quarba x 3 Celery x 3 Herba x 1 Fresh Ingredients x 1 | EXP Bonus +50% |
Laslan-Style Braised Meat | Honey x 1 Garlic x 5 Salt x 1 Chewy Meat x 1 | All Evasion +50 All Endurance +60 |
Laslan-Style Fish Stew | Static Milk x 1 Garlic x 5 Pink Cod x 5 Silver Anchovy x 5 Banded Butterflyfish x 3 Taion Moray Eel x 3 | All Evasion +60 All Endurance +60 |
Lobster Sandwich | Basil x 1 Talandre Wild Grape x 2 Mantis Shrimp x 3 | All Endurance +90 Critical Hit Damage Reduction +8% |
Meat and Onion Soup | Static Onion x 4 Salt x 1 Wolf Meat x 5 Pork x 5 Bird Meat x 3 Bland Meat x 3 Thick Meat x 1 Chewy Meat x 1 | All Defense +150 |
Mushroom Stew | Silk Mollusk x 2 Fan Leaf x 1 Shiitake Mushroom x 6 Pine Mushroom x 6 Winter Truffle x 2 | Recovers Stamina Immediately On Use |
Mushroom Stir-Fry | Onion x 4 Salt x 1 Shiitake Mushroom x 3 | Max Mana +300 Mana Regen +20 |
Pickled Fruit Candy | Honey x 1 Lemongrass x 1 Tranapple x 1 | Cooking Mastery Bonus +15% |
Poultry and Shiitake Mushroom Stir-Fry | Shiitake Mushroom x 1 Curry Powder x 1 Vegetable Oil x 1 Bird Meat x 3 | Skill Heal +2.5% Mana Cost Efficiency +4% |
Purification Remedy | Abyssal Aggregate x 1 Quality Stalon Ore x 3 Rare Natural Essence x 10 | On Use Bind, Sleep, and Stun Removed |
Quarba Omelet | Static Salt x 1 Quarba x 1 Vegetable Oil x 1 Terror Bird Egg x 5 Egg x 5 Lizard Egg x 3 Sandworm Egg x 1 Fresh Ingredients x 1 | Health Regen +35 Mana Regen +35 |
Roaring Steak | Fermented Rotein x 5 Orc Heart x 1 | Boss Hit +100 Humanoid Damage Boost +50 Humanoid Damage Resistance +50 |
Roasted Honey Apple | Honey x 1 Apple x 3 Golden Apple x 1 | PvP Hit +90 Critical Hit +90 |
Rye Bread | Milk x 1 Salt x 1 Golden Rye x 5 | Fishing Mastery Bonus +15% |
Scorpion Tail Fritters | Uncommon Fish Oil x 1 Salt x 1 Vegetable Oil x 1 Scorpion Tail x 1 | Move Speed +3.5% Attack Speed +3% |
Shark Crab Soup | Sea Crab Nipper x 1 Red Water Lily x 1 Blacktip Shark x 1 | All Critical Hit +75 Critical Damage +5% |
Skipjack Tuna Tadaki | Uncommon Fish Oil x 1 Silk Mollusk x 1 Skipjack Tuna x 1 | All Hit +6 All Crowd Control Chance +75 |
Soft Steamed Bird Egg | Static Milk x 1 Salt x 1 Terror Bird Egg x 5 Egg x 5 Lizard Egg x 3 Sandworm Egg x 1 | Solant Bonus +50% |
Sweet Grilled Mushrooms | Honey x 1 Onion x 4 Pine Mushroom x 3 | All Hit +60 All Critical Hit +60 |
Tender Meat and Pine Mushrooms | Static Milk x 1 Cheese x 2 Pine Mushroom x 1 Dolly Varden Trout x 5 Belphoret Bass x 5 Largemouth Bass x 5 Arowana x 3 Pajama Cardinalfish x 1 | Bonus Damage +12 |
Terror Bird Stew | Onion x 4 Golden Rye x 1 Bird Meat x 3 | All Evasion +60 All Heavy Attack Evasion +60 |
Thrilling Papillote | Fermented Rotein x 5 Lizard Scale x 1 | Boss Hit +100 Wildkin Damage Boost +50 Wildkin Damage Resistance +50 |
Tranapple Tart | Honey x 1 Sat x 1 Golden Rye x 1 Tranapple x 1 | EXP Bonus +30% Sollant Bonus +30% |
Vegetable Stir-Fry | Salt x 1 Vegetable Oil x 1 Quarba x 3 Celery x 3 Herba x 1 | Max Health +300 Health Regen +20 |
Vienta Banquet | Rare Aurora Seafood Platter x 1 Rare Scorpion Tail Fritters x 1 Rare Tranapple Tart x 1 Rare Marind x 5 Rare Processed Marind x 5 Rare Marind Ore x 5 | PvP +100 PvP Critical Hit +100 |
Vienta-Style Seafood Fritters | Static Uncommon Fish Oil x 1 Salt x 1 Vegetable Oil x 1 Hermit Crab Tail x 3 Sea Crab Nipper x 1 | Incoming Heal +2.5% Amitoi Heal +50% |
White Meat Mortis | Static Pine Mushroom x 1 Salt x 1 Tomato x 1 Egg x 4 Pink Cod x 5 Silver Anchovy x 5 Striped Mackerel x 5 Amberjack x 3 Banded Butterflyfish x 3 Taion Moray Eel x 3 Blacktail Snook x 1 Barracuda x 1 Ballan Wrasse x 1 | Damage Reduction +9 Debuff Duration -3% |
Wild Game Steak | Static Salt x 1 Tomato x 1 Wolf Meat x 5 Pork x 5 Bird Meat x 3 Bland Meat x 3 Thick Meat x 1 Chewy Meat x 1 | All Hit +60 All Heavy Attack Chance +60 |
Wild Grape Pie | Honey x 1 Red Water Lily x 3 Talandre Wild Grape x 3 | Max Stamina +15 Stamina Regen +4 |
Wild Pot-au-feu | Mana Blood x 5 Beast Fang x 1 | Boss Hit +100 Demon Damage Boost +50 Demon Damage Resistance +50 |
For every recipe, there’s a static part – these ingredients can be considered as the base requirements. Certain cooking recipes have different rarities in Throne and Liberty, and that depends on the types of secondary ingredients you’re using.
Published: Oct 4, 2024 1:43 PM UTC