Bleach is one of the most popular and longest-running action manga and anime series of all time. The manga first started its legendary run in 2001 in the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine before branching out into the first anime adaptation from Pierrot in 2004. Here are all of the Bleach story arcs in order, without any spoilers.
All Bleach story arcs, explained
There is a total of around 14 different story arcs in the Bleach manga and anime series. This number only gets a bit complicated due to the various parts that make up some of the arcs, plus the differences between the manga and anime. The anime adaptation has a couple of exclusive filler arcs to it not featured in the original manga.
Here are all of the Bleach story arcs you need to know about in order:
- Agent of the Shinigami
- Soul Society (The Sneak Entry and The Rescue)
- The Bount
- Bount Assault on Soul Society
- Arrancar (The Arrival, Hueco Mundo Sneak Entry, and The Fierce Fight)
- The New Captain Shūsuke Amagai
- Arrancar vs. Shinigami
- The Past Arc
- Arrancar: Decisive Battle of Karakura
- Zanpakuto: The Alternate Tale
- Arrancar: Downfall
- Gotei 13 Invading Army
- The Lost Substitute Shinigami
- The 1000-Year Blood War
Agent of the Shinigami Arc
This is the first story arc in the Bleach series and a relatively shorter one compared to latter parts.
- Manga Chapters: 1-70
- Anime Episodes: 1-20
Soul Society
This particular arc includes The Sneak Entry and Rescue parts.
- Manga Chapters: 71-183
- Anime Episodes: 21-63
The Bount
This is an anime-exclusive filler story arc.
- Anime Episodes: 64-91
Bount Assault on Soul Society
This is an anime-exclusive arc.
- Anime Episodes: 92-109
This arc includes The Arrival, Hueco Mundo Sneak Entry, and Fierce Fight parts.
- Manga Chapters: 184-286
- Anime Episodes: 110-167
The New Captain Shūsuke Amagai
This is an anime-exclusive arc.
- Anime Episodes: 168-189
Arrancar vs. Shinigami
- Manga Chapters: 287-315
- Anime Episodes: 190-205
The Past Arc
This arc released after the previous one, but its chapters didnāt pick up with 316. Instead, this short arc had negative manga chapters to indicate its prequel placement.
- Manga Chapters: -108 to -100
- Anime Episodes: 206-212
Arrancar: Decisive Battle of Karakura
The chapters of the manga picked back up from where it left off with 316 after The Past Arc.
- Manga Chapters: 316-340
- Anime Episodes: 213-229
Zanpakuto: The Alternate Tale
This is an anime-exclusive arc.
- Anime Episodes: 230-265
Arrancar: Downfall
- Manga Chapters: 341-423
- Anime Episodes: 266-316
Gotei 13 Invading Army
This is an anime-exclusive arc.
- Anime Episodes: 317-342
The Lost Substitute Shinigami
- Manga Chapters: 424-479
- Anime Episodes: 343-366
The 1000-Year Blood War
The anime adaptation of this final arc in the series is still ongoing.
- Manga Chapters: 480-686
- Anime Episodes: 367-Present
Published: Apr 4, 2024 04:27 pm