A scene from Age of Empires 4
Image via Relic Entertainment

All Age of Empires 4: Knights of Cross and Rose features

Well worth the price

The Knights of Cross and Rose expansion is now up for pre-order, and Age of Empires 4 players can book the next major expansion, which goes live on April 8.

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Age of Empires 4: Knights of Cross and Rose features

A major highlight of the upcoming expansion is the two new variant civilizations: Knights Templar (French variant) and House of Lancaster (English variant). Just like in real life, a Commanderie Age Up system will apply to the Knights Templar. You’ll get one of three allies each age to get permanent buffs and units. The Knights Templar variant will geared towards the Fortress.

The House of Lancaster will be heavily influenced by its contributions to influential wars in medieval Europe. It will be geared with the Synchronized Shot ability and the Manor, generating different resources. While it will have an English influence, the House of Lancaster will mark a departure from typical playstyles.

House of Lancaster in Age of Empires 4
Image via Microsoft

The Historical Battles single-player game mode will be available for the upcoming expansion. You’ll be able to focus on important historical moments for the Knights Templar and the House of Lancaster. A medal system will be used to score and rank players, and you’ll come across different secrets and traps hidden on the maps.

While the Knights Templar will take part in the Battle of Montgisard to drive off Saladin and his forces, the House of Lancaster will have to fight hard against the Yorkists after a defeat at Towton.

The Knights of Cross and Rose will also feature 10 new maps.

  • Relic River
  • Mountain Lakes
  • Waterlanes
  • Wasteland
  • Shadow Lake
  • Rugged
  • Highwoods
  • Hedgemaze
  • Flankwoods
  • Enlightened Horizon

The DLC is listed at $14.99, but as mentioned earlier, it currently has a 15% discount.

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