Things look Strangereal up here
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Namco Bandai’s just dropped a new teaser for Ace Combat Infinity, and I’ll be damned if what’s shown doesn’t look like proper Ace Combat. Let’s go down the checklist of “Ace Combat-y Things”, shall we?
Vaguely awkward-sounding fighter jet unit names? Check.
Ridiculous superweapons? Check.
Experimental-looking jet fighters? Check for Shinden.
Dramatic music? Angelic choir check.
Endearingly wooden radio banter? Check, rookie!
Single-player story campaign? AWACS “Press Release” tells me “Check”.
Free-to-play? Check…if you give me some Idolm@ster skins.
Now all we need is a sermon about how much war sucks, and we’ll be ready to dance with the angels!
Ace Combat Infinity is due this year on the PlayStation 3.
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Published: Aug 2, 2013 10:00 AM UTC