It appears as if detectives across the internet have uncovered a Square Enix trademark filing for something called “Seekers of Adoulin.” Since Adoulin is a location in Vana’diel (the world of FFXI), many have deduced that this is an upcoming Final Fantasy XI expansion. Considering data-miners have found a ton of unfinished content in the game recently, this could easily be a possibility.
If you didn’t get the chance you play FFXI, you’re missing out. It’s easily worth of the FF name, and one of the best MMOs to date. Although it hasn’t aged particularly well, for the time it was an awesome experience. Dark Knights for life!
In other news, VanaFest, a full celebration in honor of ten years of Final Fantasy XI, is tomorrow. It’ll feature “huge announcements”, as well as retrospectives and future plans for the franchise. If you’re an old fan, this might be a way to soak up some nostalgia.
Square Enix Trademarked “Seekers of Adoulin” (FFXI?) [NeoGAF]
Published: Jun 22, 2012 2:00 PM UTC