For those of you who missed today’s LIVE! episode of The Destructoid Show, the nice folks at Revision3 TiVo’d it for us. I know a lot of people weren’t able to tune in because they were stuck at work. I actually didn’t get to see it either, because I was at work. Um. Hosting today’s episode LIVE!
In addition to doing the show LIVE!, I think we’re also kind of beta testing YouTube’s new LIVE!-streaming setup, this is super-exciting. Needless to say, we were nervous as hell this morning, and since we’ve never done this before, we kept the format pretty simple. This episode is gives the lowdown/our feelings on Dead Space 2, Bulletstorm, Portal 2, Duke Nukem Forever, LA Noire, and The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
From what I can tell by earlier feedback, you guys like us LIVE! But we always wanna know what you think. We’re very neurotic. We had an absolute blast doing it, so that half-hour flew right by. I also consumed a terrifying amount of caffeine beforehand.
Spoiler alert: We used notecards. They were college ruled.
Published: Jan 24, 2011 11:30 pm