Acquire, the folks behind Way of the Samurai, the Badman/My Lord titles and the Tenchu series (before it started sucking), have been feeling a little indecisive and want you, the all-powerful customer, to help them out a bit.
They’ve got a poll up on this site with a list of genres they’re considering, and want you to vote. Choices include “Samurai Western” (likely a sequel to their ill-fated Samurai Western spinoff game), “God”, “Zombie Game”, and “Ninja Game”.
That “Ninja Game” option sounds promising, as they never actually released Shinobido: Way of the Ninja – the game they made after they lost the Tenchu license to From Software – in North America. A game like that, with modern stealth gameplay and the same sense of humor as the Way of the Samurai games, would be pretty awesome.
And sorry, there’s no write-in option, so you can’t be an asshole and vote for “A Good Game”. Jerks.
Published: Nov 20, 2010 10:00 pm