What’s the downloadable content situation for Battlefield: Bad Company 2? Speaking to Worthplaying, senior producer Patrick Bach gave some solid information on the matter.
“We see the game as the first step to a longer experience. We have an in-game store where you get free content or you can buy new content to the game, so it’s a very integral part of the game that we will have a long post-launch campaign.”
“I think people will be thrilled to see what’s in that already,” says Bach. “On day one, you will get some really cool stuff.” Interesting. Not that I’m against free content at launch, but if this is going to be a hot new trend to prevent used game sales, we need to up the ante in terms of hard drive accessibility.
Why yes, I am still rocking a 20 GB hard drive for my Xbox 360. I can’t let them win. I don’t exactly know who “they” are, but letting them beat me is the worst thing I could possibly do.
‘Battlefield: Bad Company 2’ (ALL) Developer Interview [Worthplaying via Blue’s News]
Published: Feb 9, 2010 07:00 pm