Our very own Guitar Atomik has a shirt on sale over on Tee Fury for the next 24-hours! The Tyrannozaurus is one-half T-Rex, one-half robot and all around awesome. Also, T-Rex cocks. Grab one for just $9.
Chad loved Final Fantasy XIII, Andrew took a deeper look at Fragile Dreams, Conrad reviewed Final Fight: Double Impact, some GameWorks are closing down and more happened on 04/15/10.
Destructoid Originals:
Counterpoint: Final Fantasy XIII is beautiful, classic
Love, loneliness, and companionship in our Fragile Dreams
Community blogs of 04/15/10
Forum of the day: Give a game a new title!
Final Fight: Double Impact
Another abandoned failure: Sony gives up on PSP Room
Arc Rise Fantasia gets pre-order bonus on Amazon
Demon’s Souls CONFIRMED for Europe!
Study finds videogames only a mild impairment to sleep
Descent is headed to WiiWare
Sony to throw in free PS3 games with 3D TVs
New survey puts Xbox 360 failure rate at 42%
Awesome C64 iPhone app stays free, gets update
Review: The Scourge Project: Episode 1 & 2
Woot: Portable Sega Genesis for $30, kinda
iPhone shooter N.O.V.A coming to other systems
Sorry, EU: New Microsoft Points system is US only
iBet: Gaming on smartphones up 60%
SHOCKER: Crysis 2 looks best on PC
Square Enix considering episodic releases?
Download the Skate 3 demo from XBL and PSN starting today
Xenoblade’s website updated with character info
March NPD: DS-Wii-Kratos-Ho-Oh-MLB-XIII FTW
Splatterhouse site relaunches, promises new trailer
New Zeno Clash XBLA mode and weapon announced
Mario Galaxy 2 website details 2P co-op, also cogs
Sam & Max items come to Team Fortress 2
Blizzard Store is now selling a new mount and a pet
Sega closing 50% of GameWorks locations
PS3 3D Blu-ray support won’t come with update
A rundown of some new Halo: Reach multiplayer modes
Space Paranoids Online trailer may induce giddiness
Majin and the Forsaken Kingdom gets some videos
Cammy and her arse coming to Street Fighter IV iPhone
First official screenshots for Pokemon Black/White
Naughty Bear’s ‘The Book of Naughty’ needs to be real
Pillowfight Girls bringing sexy misogyny to iPhone
New screenshots, trailer for PSP RPG Hexyz Force
Published: Apr 15, 2010 11:30 pm