The Orphan of Kos, Gehrman, Moon Presence, the Hunter, and Eileen the Crow running a burger shop.
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Every character from Bob’s Burgers and their Bloodborne counterpart

"B-Bob. Bob. Bobby! Ya gotta fear the Old Blood. That stuff's not good for you." - Teddy

Look, I’m just as surprised as you that this pitch got approved. Inspiration struck me, as it does many great people, when I was sitting in my pajamas, wondering how to combine two things I love. It was then I gained too much Insight and was able to peer into a twisted landscape of equal parts Wonder Wharf and Yharnam. The residents of the unnamed coastal town had taken on a darker visage. Now, you too, must see every Bob’s Burgers character and their Bloodborne counterpart.

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Burger of the Day: The YharnHAM with a Pickle Spear

The rules are kind of fast and loose here. There will be no double-dipping. I’m not including characters from the comics as those were pretty awful. The rulings are final and not subject to change.

An image showing Bob's Burgers characters and their Bloodborne counterparts.
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Bob Belcher : The Hunter

Both Bob and the Hunter serve as our eyes to their respective worlds. For all we know, the Hunter came to Yharnam for a blood treatment and to get some new ingredients.

Linda Belcher : Eileen the Crow

Linda is Bob’s ride-or-die, much like my hunter’s relationship with Eileen the Crow. She’s ready to put bodies in the ground for him, especially Teddy’s.

Tina Belcher : Gehrman, the First Hunter

You and I both know that Gehrman is absolutely writing erotic friend fiction in the Hunter’s Dream.

Gene Belcher : Orphan of Kos

Gene certainly has some odd fixations with his mother. The Orphan of Kos literally haunts the beach surrounding its mother’s corpse. That placenta weapon might as well be a keyboard programmed with fart noises.

Louise Belcher : Moon Presence

Louise is a mastermind with a penchant for manipulation. As you gather the various puzzle pieces spread throughout Bloodborne, it becomes apparent that the Moon Presence has been pulling a lot of strings to have the other Great Ones slaughtered. Those head tentacles might as well be pink bunny ears.

Plus, what if I told you I was carrying a saw in my pocket right now?”

Bob Belcher, S4E1 “A River Runs Through Bob”
An image comparing Bob's Burgers characters and Bloodborne characters.
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Teddy : Rom, the Vacuous Spider

Teddy is the handyman around town and Rom maintains the barrier between the waking world and the unseen horrors. Plus, they’re both big and round. I don’t know that Rom would turn down daily burgers.

Mort : Retired Hunter Djura

Mort the mortician and the Powder Keg Hunter look over the dead. While Mort is largely passive, there was the time he converted his mother’s home into a house of horrors to scare Louise (S6E3, “The Hauntening”).

Jimmy Pesto : Patches the Spider

Both Jimmy Pesto and Patches the Spider are irredeemable pieces of garbage that only exist to antagonize Bob/the Hunter.

Jimmy Pesto Jr. : Celestial Emissary

Jimmy Pesto Jr. lives in a world all of his own. He, like the Celestial Emissary, has transcended his mortal form. Jimmy dances to the quiet song of the Great Ones, immune to the horrors of the world around him.

Andy & Ollie Pesto : Shadows of Yharnam

A duo rather than a trio, Andy and Ollie are still as inseparable as the bosses of the Forbidden Woods. Despite having been corrupted by the snakes and vermin of the woods, The Shadows’ bond remains strong. It’s easy to see them dropping great Andy and Ollie quotes like “We did find a lovely garden, and the roses were in bloom!” and “Also, we found a dead squirrel, and I felt nothing inside. And now I don’t know what’s going on with me.”

A picture comparing Bob's Burgers characters to Bloodborne characters.
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Gayle Genarro : Winter Lantern

Gayle, Linda’s sister, is madness incarnate. Bob recognizes this and keeps interactions to a minimum. This is sound advice as the Winter Lanterns are fond of devouring your sanity. I wonder if those big heads are full of cats?

Calvin Fischoeder : Micolash

“Twisted” and “diabolical” are two words I would use to describe Mr. Fischoeder and Micolash. Conniving and powerful, these two have far greater influence than most realize. However, I only find that endearing in the former and take great joy in beating the latter’s face in with my Kirkhammer.

Felix Fischoeder : Brainsucker

Felix Fishoeder doesn’t bring much of anything to the party. Brainsuckers will literally suck the Insight from your mind in a horrifically violating fashion. Both are the absolute worst and should be kept at a distance.

Rudy Stieblitz (Regular-Sized Rudy) : Oedon Chapel Dweller

Regular-Sized Rudy and the Oedon Chapel Dweller aren’t what they appear. While Rudy looks like that kid you encounter in a hotel pool while on vacation, the Chapel Dweller looks like many of the beasts the Hunter has slain. Turns out, they’re both really cool guys.

Zeke : Cleric Beast

If ever there was a creature that embodied Zeke’s passion for spontaneous wrestling, it’s the Cleric Beast. Leaping, screaming, and grappling are the tools of the trade for both and I’m pretty sure smelling like a wet dog is another commonality.

I’ve tasted life, but I’m hungry for more.

Regular Sized Rudy, S3E22 “Carpe Museum”
An image comparing Bob's Burgers characters and Bloodborne characters.
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Marshmallow : Church Giant

If you’re anything like me, then your first reaction to seeing either Marshmallow or the Church Giants in Cathedral Ward had you saying “Yes, please.”

Boo Boo (Boyz 4 Now) : Living Failure

Boo Boo was taken in by a cabal that sought to profit from his exploitation. The Living Failures are children kidnapped by the Healing Church and experimented on in hopes of transcending into Great Ones. Neither has a promising future.

Darryl : Caryll

We don’t know a whole lot about Caryll other than her ability to hear the Great Ones and transcribe their thoughts into runes. Aside from having a name that rhymes, Darryl also possesses a great deal of mental fortitude. Yeah, that’s it, and definitely not my desire for Aziz Ansari to not have any more speaking roles.

Courtney Wheeler : Giant Fishman

This one comes down to Courtney and the Bastards of the Well looking identical. I cannot tell them apart and you’re lying if you say you can.

Gretchen : Cramped Casket

Gretchen has more skeletons in her closet than the Cramped Casket has in its…casket. Both are fond of oversharing and overwhelming those who get too close.

An picture comparing Bob's Burgers characters to Bloodborne characters.
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Henry Haber : Provost Willem

Henry Haber is the definition of “book smart.” Despite being an elementary school student, he has his eyes on the prize and puts a large emphasis on his education. Provost Willem was one of the pioneers in studying Great Ones and the Old Blood. Like Henry, Willem’s shortcomings stem from placing too much trust in others.

Jeff : Oedon

Tina’s ghost boyfriend who lives in a shoebox could very well be Oedon himself. Oedon is also known as Formless Oedon, and is keen on getting friendly with the women of Yharnam. So, when Jeff starts messing around with Tammy Larsen, it’s nigh undeniable that Jeff and Oedon are one and the same.

Tammy Larsen : Mergo

A petulant child with no thoughts for anyone but herself, Tammy Larsen has the emotional maturity of an infant. Fortunately, the similarities end there as it’s unlikely her “father” is a Great One. Nor is there a Hunter ascending a tower to murder her.

Jocelyn : Mergo’s Chief Attendant

Every baby needs someone to take care of it and Jocelyn is the perfect host for the emotional parasite that is Tammy. I opted for the Chief Attendant over Mergo’s Wet Nurse as I feel Tammy wouldn’t mind if Jocelyn were to be swapped out.

Little King Trashmouth : Darkbeast Paarl

Beasts borne of the dark and reigning supreme in their respective kingdoms, these two are hairy babies that would make terrible pets. Still, it’s fun to give them a little red wine and watch them play with their husbands (Gary and the Loran Darkbeast).

You need a doll to eat here. Like some restaurants say ‘Jacket required’ or ‘Ma’am, that bathing suit needs a bottom.'”

Gretchen, S7E18 “The Laser-inth”
A picture comparing Bob's Burgers characters to Bloodborne characters.
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Mr. Ambrose : Laurence, the First Vicar

Mr. Ambrose and Laurence are fans of forbidden knowledge. The former is a practicing witch while the latter ignored his teacher’s advice and started ingesting Great One blood. I mean, that’s practically the same thing, right?

Mr. Jim Business : Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos

It’s likely that Gayle stole her favorite cat, Mr. Business. This is evidenced by his strong dislike of her voice and constant escape attempts. Ebrietas was found by the Healing Church deep in the ancient Pthumerian ruins. While she doesn’t try to escape, she is in a constant state of sorrow which is likely due to her being abandoned by the other Great Ones and not having a child.

Phillip Frond : Ludwig, the Holy Blade

School counselor Phillip Frond is a being possessed by his own dreams and desires for greatness. This often leads him to ignore those who could benefit from his aid. Similarly, it was Ludwig’s desire to fight back the Scourge and give himself over to the Holy Moonlight Sword that caused him to stray and fall into ruin.

Sergeant Bosco : Alfred, Hunter of Vilebloods

Sergeant Bosco’s primary love is being an officer of the law. Alfred’s primary love is continuing a war between the Healing Church and the Cainhurst nobility. Both are kind of incompetent and rash. That being said, they both know how to get results. Plus, I’m pretty sure Sergeant Bosco would like to put Mickey on Logarius’ Wheel.

Speedo Guy : Carrion Crow

Neither the Speedo Guy nor the Carrion Crows do much aside from making you pause and ask “What the hell?”

A picture comparing Bob's Burgers characters to Bloodborne characters.
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Hugo Habercore : Wheelchair Huntsman

Hugo Habercore, if not for his persistence, would have been long forgotten. The same is true of the Wheelchair Huntsman encountered in far too many places throughout Yharnam. This cackling madman pounces on any opportunity to cut the Hunter down (usually with a Gatling gun mounted to his wheelchair).

Jairo : Silverbeast

Much like Bob wandering into a capoeira studio, when the Hunter wanders into the Nightmare Frontier, bad times abound. Jairo and silverbeasts are deceptively quick and fierce components. It’s best not to fight them around 4:30 pm.

Edith Cranwinkle : The Witch of Hemwick

Old, wizened hags with a foul temper and even fouler mouths, Edith and the Witch of Hemwick are painful pustules in their respective communities. Additionally, neither are fond of doing the dirty work themselves and rely on aides.

Harold Cranwinkle : Mad One

Harold Cranwinkle, husband and muscle of Edith Cranwinkle, might as well be a Mad One. He is never seen without her nearby and acts as a dark enforcer.

Mickey : Snake Parasite

I wouldn’t be surprised if Mickey was actually a Snake Parasite. Both are deceptive and opportunistic predators that rely on luring unsuspecting victims in close before striking. For those stating he has a kind heart and isn’t all that bad, let’s see if you’re singing the same tune when his head explodes into snakes.

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Image of Christian Dawson
Christian Dawson
Christian has been playing games since he could hold a controller in the late 80s. He's been writing about them for nearly 15 years for both personal and professional outlets. Now he calls Destructoid home where he covers all manner of nonsense.