Arm in arm with the confirmation of a PS3 Slim came the news that most of the game industry, including Activision, wanted to hear: The PlayStation 3 has finally dropped in price. Kaz Hirai made the announcement at Gamescom, stating quite simply that prices for all PS3 consoles have dropped.
Basically, current PS3 consoles now officially cost cheaper, meaning that if you’re not into the idea of a slimmer, sleeker PS3, you can pick up one of the PS3 Phats for less coin. This is pretty much what third party publishers have been screaming out for, that this is good news all round.
Despite this, however, the news is quite odd indeed, due to what they dropped to. The 80GB PS3 has just dropped to $299.99, bringing it line with the PS3 Slim, which is 120GB. Why pay the same amount of money for less Gigglebitz? That doesn’t make sense at all. The 160GB will now officially cost $399.99.
Oh Sony, you do move in mysterious ways.
Published: Aug 18, 2009 01:01 pm