Alan Wake 2 – Initiation 5: Room 665 walkthrough

The House of Zane.

While it’s not as lengthy as Initiation 2, the Initiation 5: Room 665 chapter in Alan Wake 2 includes some significant revelations in the story — making this walkthrough a good one to follow if you’re hunting down collectibles and secrets.

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Initiation 5: Room 665 walkthrough and guide for Alan Wake 2

Initiation 5: Room 665 brings plenty of things to discover. There are seven Words of Power, three collectible Echoes (not needed for progress), a Night Springs commercial, a Writer’s Journey video, and a Final Draft change.

Head to the Oceanview Hotel

The first thing you need to do is leave the studio and head back into the city streets. The phone is ringing once again, beckoning you to answer. Alan is told to meet the caller over at the Oceanview Hotel, just down the street. The caller has left a room key for Alan to take with him.

The hotel is to your left. Head that way, but stop by the Vision TV Shop once again. Like in Initiation 2, a video is playing on the TV sets. Watch the footage to get the next Writer’s Journey tape: ‘The Dark Presence’.

Don’t bother trying the front door of the hotel. Look left from the entrance to see a green arrow pointing you to an alley. That’s how you can get up to the rooftops and reach the skybridge, leading you to the hotel.

Alan Wake 2 – Initiation 5: Room 665 walkthrough arrows pointing to alley
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Turn right before you enter the alley to find your first Word of Power in the chapter. High on the left-side wall just past the skybridge is a Word of Aid.

Alan Wake 2 – Initiation 5: Room 665 walkthrough first word of power in chapter 5
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We need to get to the hotel via a set of rooftops now accessible in the chapter. Go down the alley until you reach the end and follow the Mirror Peak Bar arrow to the left. Walk until you get to the next alley over and head right.

Fight over the rooftops

After a short cinematic with Alex Casey, go to the end of the alley and enter the door under the Mirror Peak Bar sign. Make your way up the ladder and over stairs until you get to a flickering light. Use the Angel Lamp to take the light then duck under the yellow painting scaffold on the left. Keep going and climb the ladder. There are some Taken on the next rooftop, so prep your weapons and take things slow. Once that’s done, use the flashlight to destroy the dark orbs blocking a door.

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The staircase behind the door takes you to the next rooftop. Go up the stairs you see and duck into the cardboard tent. The following roof contains one of Sheriff’s Breaker’s stashes if you need it. But before you continue, go to the northeast corner of the roof and look for a Word of Aid painted on a metal sheet under an Alex Casey billboard.

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There’s a Safe Haven just up the way, so be sure to use it if you need it. The gated door to the left of the safe spot is locked, so go up the ladder to its right. Stand near the northeast corner of the rooftop and shine your light at the water tower to unlock a Word of Lamp.

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Next, let’s grab our first collectible Echo and then pay a visit to our friend, Sheriff Tim Breaker. On the next roof after the ladder, head left and then take another left past the AC unit. Line up the Echo on the Alex Casey billboard.

Alan Wake 2 – Initiation 5: Room 665 walkthrough first echo of chapter 5
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Turn right and take the gray stairs leading down. Before going down the nearby ladder, hang a right and duck under a path below the stairs. Painted beneath the stairs is a Word of Gun.

Alan Wake 2 – Initiation 5: Room 665 walkthrough word of gun below stairs
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Now you should go down the ladder. Sheriff Breaker is behind the gray door. He has another map with Words of Power and stash locations.

Alan Wake 2 – Initiation 5: Room 665 walkthrough tim breaker
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Finding the hotel door code and meeting our caller

Leave and go left through the gated door, unlocking it. Go back up the set of ladders and walk through the door near the flickering light. Do not use your Angel Lamp yet.

The stairs take you to the rooftop next to the water tower and another flickering light. Use the Lamp now to remove the water tower. Go back up the stairs and use the Lamp to change where the staircase leads. You’ll come out on a rooftop across the way from where you were before.

Alan Wake 2 – Initiation 5: Room 665 walkthrough lamp to remove water tower
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You’re near the hotel entrance, but there are a few things left to do before going inside. The door is locked with a four-digit keypad. Next to the door is your clue on how to unlock it: On the chalkboard is an ad for the Oceanview Cocktail and there’s an arrow pointing to a nearby bar. So, yeah. Let’s hit up the bar!

Use the Lamp outside of the bar to open up the door. Walk inside and check the chalkboard menu to see that the cocktail costs $25.50 — an absurd price for any drink, holy shit. Remove the light using the Lamp and take the double-barrel shotgun. Return the light and leave through the door.

Alan Wake 2 – Initiation 5: Room 665 walkthrough bar menu
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After leaving the bar, turn left and head to the other side of the nearby water tower. Angle the Echo toward the Alex Casey billboard to add it to your collection.

Alan Wake 2 – Initiation 5: Room 665 walkthrough second echo location
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Use the code 2-5-5-0 to open the door to the Oceanview Hotel. Walk across the skybridge and head into the hotel proper. Go past the double doors and make your way into Room 665 after unlocking it with the key. Activate the projector to watch the live-action clip which reveals the shocking identity of our mystery caller.

Alan Wake 2 – Initiation 5: Room 665 walkthrough room 665
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Navigating the first floor of the hotel

Return to the room you were in before and grab the Echo that’s appeared. An elevator across the way opens, allowing you to go to the hotel lobby. Exit the elevator and walk forward to find yourself in a new Scene: The ‘Entrance Hall’.

You remember the Plot Board, right? We need to use it in the hotel to progress. Go into the Reception booth and grab the map on the wall next to the PC. Watch the Echo to get the ‘Pre-Show Ritual’ Plot Element. Plug it into the Entrance Hall scene to open up the hallway leading into the hotel. Walk down the hall and note the Safe Haven room to the right. Two Taken enemies will attack at the corner, so prepare for a fight.

Alan Wake 2 – Initiation 5: Room 665 walkthrough entrance hall
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Progress until you reach the next Scene: ‘Final Scene’. Change the scene using the Pre-Show Ritual element and grab the key to Room 104 that appears. A message near the key clues you toward Room 205, so let’s head in that direction.

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Turn left and walk down the hall. Take another left and look for Room 104 on your right side. Use the key to get in and make your way to the magical bathroom. Leave the bathroom through the other door to find yourself on the second floor of the hotel in Room 225. See? Magical bathroom.

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Adventures on Oceanview Hotel’s second floor – Final Draft change

We need to make our way to the Ballroom on the second floor of the hotel, but we have some stops on the way. Be sure to watch for Taken enemies as you explore the floor. First, leave Room 225 and walk down the hallway to Room 224. Inside is a TV playing a commercial for Night Springs.

To the right of the TV is a yellow painter’s scaffold with plywood behind it. Shoot the plywood to destroy it and duck under the scaffold to enter a bathroom. On the wall of the tub is a Word of War.

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Room 223 next door contains a load of supplies if you need them. There are some Taken enemies within, but you may want to deal with the fight to get the Breaker Stash in the bathroom.

With those rooms out of the way, start making your way down to the Ballroom. Stop at the connecting hallway and look under the ‘EXIT’ sign to grab the Word of War on the ceiling within. There are Taken enemies around, so make sure to deal with them first or get smacked in the jaw like I did.

Alan Wake 2 – Initiation 5: Room 665 walkthrough word of war under exit sign
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FINAL DRAFT CHANGE: On your way to the Ballroom, stop by Room 205 located along the rightmost hallway and across the way from the locked Room 206 (more on this soon). The TV on the dresser to the right is playing a video of Dr. Casper Darling in search of a mysterious signal. Watching the video unlocks the ‘Signals’ video under ‘Dr. Darling’s Messages’ section of the TV in the Writer’s Room.

Alan Wake 2 – Initiation 5: Room 665 walkthrough dr. darling returns
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The door to Room 209, which contains Sheriff Breaker and a new Words of Power map, is locked from your side. To open Room 209, travel to the leftmost hallway and enter Room 206 from the back. The key for the room is inside.

Continue to the Ballroom, which also happens to be a new scene. Before opening the Plot Board, shine your flashlight on the bar ceiling to get a Word of Stuff.

Alan Wake 2 – Initiation 5: Room 665 walkthrough word of power in bar
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Open up the Plot Board now and use the element Pre-Show Ritual to change the room. On the left side is a Safe Haven. Go there and get the key to Room 101 next to the coffee thermos.

Alan Wake 2 – Initiation 5: Room 665 walkthrough key to room 101
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Back to the first floor

A whiteboard showing a play schedule appeared in the Ballroom after the scene change. On it is a note hinting that you need to go to the Rehearsal in Room 202 (moved from 219). Leave the Ballroom and enter Room 219. Approach the flickering light and use the Angel Lamp to change the room. Enter the new door to your left and walk through the door leading to Room 202. We’re now in a new scene, ‘Rehearsal Room’. Here’s what to do next:

  • Change the scene to Pre-Show Ritual
  • Line up the Echo and watch the scene
  • Use the new Plot Element, ‘Haunted’, in the Rehearsal Room
  • Leave through the door nearby and return to the Ballroom

In the Ballroom scene, open the Plot Board and change the element to Haunted. You’ll need to go up on the stage for the Echo that appears after Alan is done speaking. Line it up and you’ll get the next Plot Element you need: ‘The Devil’.

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Go to the Plot Board once more and swap the Ballroom scene to The Devil. Prepare for a fight as you get stormed by a group of shadows. Things are looking a bit grim, so now would be a good time to use that nearby Safe Haven to save your progress.

Follow the trail of blood and gore back to Room 225. Use the magical bathroom again to return to the first floor of the hotel. Unlock the door to Room 101 to get another Writer’s Journey video, called ‘Visions’. There are some supplies in the room if you need them.

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Next, go back to the Entrance Hall scene and use The Devil element to open up a blood-soaked stairwell. Taken enemies appear as you get close to the stairs, so get ready to fight them off. Now, head upstairs and grab the Echo near the top.

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Ascend until you make it to the next floor. Follow the hall until you reach your destination: Room 666. Go inside and watch the Echo to receive the final Plot Element of the chapter: ‘Climax’. I hope you didn’t take your hands off the controller or keyboard, because the Dark Presence has returned to chase you down the halls.

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You’ll get blocked off before the end of the hall, forcing you to turn around. Head into the connecting hallway and then turn back toward the stairwell you used to get to the floor. You eventually make it into a Safe Haven.

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The last Echo and the Final Scene

You’re free to return to the Entrance Hall. Using the Climax Plot Element at the hall gives you one last Echo to claim before the end of the chapter.

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Make your way back to the Final Scene. Use the Climax element on the Plot Board to open the way to Room 108. Progress until you reach the bathroom, and the chapter will end after a cutscene.

That just about does it for our walkthrough and guide for Initiation 5: Room 665 in Alan Wake 2. The next two chapters for Alan are thankfully brief. After all this running around, we can use the break.

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Image of Cameron Woolsey
Cameron Woolsey
A contributing writer, Cam has been playing games for decades and writing about them for about 15 years. He specializes in action RPGs, shooters, and brawlers, but will always make a little bit of time for indies and classics.