A game site going live isn’t normally an incredibly exciting part of a hyped game’s belabored crawl to a release date, that is unless it’s the site for Ghostbusters: The Game, at which point all bets are off and any new media is like perfectly melon-balled spheres of mana from heaven, fed to you by two shaven love-slaves whilst reclining on a dais carved from pure gold. Don’t believe me? Just ask Colette; the woman literally urinated all over the new carpet in my office (utility closet) here at HQ when I showed her the site.
And did I stop her? Hell no I didn’t, I was too busy coating my laptop in a fine film of drool, hypnotized by the words “Don’t Cross The Streams” and my own man-childish glee, to take note of the near-constant micturitions of Ms. Bennett.
The site is simply a reconfirmation of what’s already been made abundantly clear: the game will be on the 360, PS3, PS2, PC, Wii and DS; it will feature voice acting from the original crew; and it is being written by the original writers of the first two films. Add some fancy (to a luddite such as myself) flash effects, a sign-up page for news, a couple of screenshots, and bam, website. But I’ll be damned if I don’t feel like I’ve been delivered something awesome, soaked carpet or no.
Enjoy the quiet while it’s here, my friends; with the launch of the site and September being (relatively) soon, it’s obvious that the great Ghostbusters hype-machine has ceased its infrequent growth (and subsequent news) spasms.
[Thanks, Jonathan!]
Published: Apr 10, 2008 12:48 am