COD4 and Spore confirmed for Mac

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The few PC exclusive gamers I know seem to constantly have their panties in the proverbial wad over the focus by developers on developing for consoles. Add the ceaseless struggle to have the most current (expensive) hardware into the mix and you are guaranteed a rant to last a lifetime.  However, what these nattering nabobs seem to overlook in their pessimism and caterwauling is the plight of their Mac-bound brethren.

Unless you’ve got a relatively new, relatively beefy Mac, gaming on Apple flavored hardware is going to be a serious pain. Not even really a pain considering the dearth of games that are made available to Mac users. While the state of gaming for the Mac might not have improved overall there are a couple games that have been confirmed for the Mac that should have our oft neglected friends stoked.

The gods of Mac gaming have smiled on their cultists today, with Call of Duty 4 getting the Mac treatment come May and Spore being confirmed for release on the Mac. Most interesting about Spore’s confirmation for the Mac is that it is being released in concert with it’s pro-PC twin, rather than leaving those stubbornly dedicated to Mac gaming to soak up spoilers while they hope and pray for a port.

In addition to the confirmation of Spore for the Mac, EA has announced intentions to release a number of titles for the Mac in 2008. Will this be the year for Mac gaming? No, almost certainly not, but if nothing else you won’t have to hear the high pitched keening of an ignored Mac gamer on top of the exclusively-PC gamer’s pissing and moaning.

[Via Blue’s News and CNet – Thanks, Justin] 

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